
Jeep Talk Show

A Show About Jeeps!

Episode 844 – 10 Ways To Keep Your Jeep!

A Record-Breaking Climb

In 1937, Jan Alfred Szczepanski and Justyn Wojsznis became the first two people to reach the top of Ojos del Salado, a stratovolcano in the Andes Mountains.

In 2007, a pair of Jeep Wrangler Unlimiteds succeeded in climbing the 6,646-meter volcano. Many vehicles had previously attempted this expedition, but none had the capabilities to climb the steep and rugged terrain. That was until the Wrangler Unlimited Rubicons climbed the second-highest mountain in the Western Hemisphere, completing the journey in five days.

“This was exactly the challenge to separate the new Jeep Wrangler Unlimited from all other 4×4 vehicles. A climb like this in not just off-road, but extreme conditions, is a testament to the performance of the vehicle’s powertrain, suspension, and overall quality. We are very proud that Wrangler Unlimited was the first vehicle to be able to complete such a rigorous challenge, and believe that it really does set the vehicle apart from its competition,” said George Murphy, Chrysler Group Senior Vice President of Global Marketing.

10 Ways to Prevent Your Jeep from Being Stolen

  1. Keep Jeep’s Doors Locked
  2. Separate Your Keys From Your Jeep
  3. Hidden key(s) in/on your Jeep
  4. Put your top and doors On
  5. Keep Your Jeep In a Lit Area
  6. Put an Audible Alarm or Other Anti-Theft Device in your Jeep
  7. Install an Immobilizer in your Jeep
  8. Get Tracking on your Jeep
  9. Don’t Attract Attention to Your Jeep
  10. Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

Newbie Nuggets with Wendy

An out-of-state JTS Listener wants to do some Big Bear Trials

Emil & Jennifer from Tucson Arizona, reached out to me to ask what trails I would recommend in Big Bear. They listen to the show and wanted my advice – who knew LOL

After finding out how they were set up and what they could do. Bill and I  decided to take them around some trails and show them some great areas in Big Bear. They each had their own Jeep and we also invited Eddie and Gary (both from last year’s JTS Big Bear run), Paul (who wheels with us a lot), and Junior from Redlands Jeep. We also invited a recent student who wanted to do some of the trails. My dad also got to come with us too. 

We had 8 jeepers and we did Gold Mountain, Little John Bull (a medium segway into John Bull), The Squeeze (tight huge rocks to squeeze through, A trail to a summit to see all of Johnson Valley (AKA Cougar Buttes/King of the Hammers) and Blue Quartz – a trail that took us back to Big Bear with scenic views of the lake. 

I loved meeting our listeners and hearing about their experiences. It was an honor to have them ask me for advice and we all had a great time. 

AND everyone on the run was a verified JTS listener. I loved that. Sometimes things just fall into place. The Jeeping community is awesome and I know everyone had a wonderful time.

Jeep Talk Show Gladiator Update

Jeep Name Generator

Do you have a name for your Jeep Gladiator?

Is it like a nickname, the best is always given by someone else?

Jeeprunner.com has an online Jeep Name Generator!

I clicked it a few times and got this…

1. Vulture

2. Bones

3. Ace

4. Destroyer

5. Butch

So you picked one of those, came up with your own, or went with your wheeling buddies’ drunken suggestions, what now?

You have to have decals made, right?

I recommend Greg at Undergroundgraphics.  They did the graphics on both the Jeep Talk Show XJ and JT!

Must-Have Stuff Pick-of-the-Week for your Jeep!

Car Cleaning Gel Detailing Putty Car Putty Auto Detailing Tools Car Interior $6.88  Amazon’s Choice

Car cleaning gel is perfect for cleaning the nooks and crannies in your auto. Putty for the car is super great to get into the gaps and little crevices on the car. Putty for the car is easy to pick up the dust, debris, crumbs, and pet hair

Push the detailing tool into little cracks and the crud sticks and pulls back out! You can also press the detail putty on the keyboard surface and then pull out the gel slowly, the dust would be carried away. Car goop is suitable for all devices and surfaces (except carpets)


4th Annual Jeep Talk Show Event - Texas

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