
Jeep Talk Show

A Show About Jeeps!

Interview Adam Jeepin the Saloon

Adam is the founder and event coordinator for Jeepin’ the Saloon. Jeepin’ the Saloon is an annual 3 day Jeep event held on the property of the famous Rattlesnake Saloon on labor day weekend in Tuscumbia, AL.


Hi, I’m Tony and welcome to the Jeep Talk Show, the talk share where we talk about all things Jeep from trail riding to overlanding and everything in between. It’s Friday, dare I say, Friday?


Oh, that sounds really bad. Anyway, and that means a new interview. We love bringing you new people, new products, and new stories. It’s exciting for me to talk to these people and I get to ask the questions, hopefully you’d ask if you were here. So sit back, grab a cold one and get ready for another great guest right here on the Jeep Talk Show. Are you ready? It’s time for the Jeep Talk Show with hosts Tony, Josh, Wendy, and Chuck.


So you may have already heard something about this on the news or the TikTok or the Instagram. I mean, how many people out there get their news from the social media sites these days? I think a lot of people are doing that. If you want to be lied to, you might as well be lied to with some entertainment, right? So CDK Global is down.


I know, what do I care?


What is it? What do I care?


15,000 North America dealerships use CDK for sales, financing, and payroll. It’s software. It’s an online service that they use to conduct business and a lot of their business. So they are down due to two cyber attacks this week.


And who knows actually when the cyber attacks actually took place, but the devastating part happened this week.


So these dealerships are having to do business manually. Paper, pencil, hell, I don’t know, photographs on the phone, just not the way they normally do business. And you certainly can understand that this would make things increasingly and very frustratingly slow not only for the employees, but for the people that are trying to get service or buy a new vehicle. This is the part that you need to pay attention to. So it hurts dealerships if they can’t do business for just one day. Can you imagine if it’s three or four days they can’t sell vehicles?


So use this to your advantage Jeepers. Jeep dealerships should have added as incentive to sell you a Jeep at a deeper, could I say jeepers discount.


So this is a great time. You know, maybe Saturday, maybe Sunday, go to a Jeep dealership and test the waters, especially if you’ve been thinking about buying a Jeep because prices are so far down because of a jeep’s poor sales in the last, what is it, last year or so. This might be a way to get even more off of that Jeep. You could get a great deal.


So we’re not down, at least not yet. You can become a Patreon subscriber for 30% off. This is a limited time and a limited number of subscriptions. $3.50 gets you started with free ad content. Sign up for a full year to lock in this rate. This is a great time to become a Patreon subscriber and help support the show you love, the Jeep Talk Show.


From around the world or from your city and sometimes just down the street.


It’s the Jeep Talk Show Interview.


Ideal boys and girls, it’s time for another Jeep Talk Show interview. And tonight we’re going to be talking with Adam. Adam is the founder and event coordinator for jeeping the saloon. I have to really think about that because every time I read it, I think of salon and that would be something completely different, wouldn’t it Adam?


You ever thought about cutting hair there at the salon?


No, I never.


I do realize that y’all have the same initials as Jeep and the saloon JTS. Oh yeah, that’s right. I didn’t think about that.


I saw JTS on one of your podcasts or a Patreon and I had to stop and think a minute before I figured out that it was the initials for your show. Well, how long has the saloon been there? How long have they been using JTS?


The Rattlesnake saloon?


The Rattlesnake saloon has been open since Labor Day 2009. Ah, they got to speed. We started in 2010.


All right, so anyway, the annual three day event, Jeep event that’s held on the property of the famous Rattlesnake saloon is on Labor Day weekend. Oh my God, I was going to ask you about this. Pronunciate that town for me, please.


Tascumbia. Oh, okay. That makes sense now that I hear it. Tascumbia, Alabama.


Yep. So you can find out more about jeeping the salon, the salon, jeeping the saloon. I’m a professional over at Facebook. Just go to Facebook and search for jeepin. And that’s G, no G on that. G E P I N a little posturphy, the saloon.


Adam thanks a lot for being here and putting up with that really, really disconnected interview. I mean, sorry. Oh God, we might as well start over. Really, really bad introduction.


I’m just glad to be here and I’m glad to be talking to you and opportunity to be on the show. Oh yeah, sure. We appreciate you being here. It’s so funny.


Now that I’ve set the bar really low, it’s going to take all the pressure off of you. You can just enjoy yourself.


All right. So how long you guys been doing this, this event, the jeeping the saloon? Got it right. Well, this will be our fifth year.


Our first year, it was just a guided ride just to see how it would go.


And and it was a guy that had right. And we had, I think 311 Jeep show up on the first very first year. Oh my God. And we wrote, we wrote 75 to 100 deep on a single guided ride through the property. Oh, that’s got to have been a nightmare. I bet you took you forever. It was great. Well, it was about, it’s about two and a half hours on one trail. So just on one trail. So how do you keep 75 to 100 people from stopping every five seconds and getting out and taking a picture, taking a selfie, taking a picture of the Jeep?


I don’t know, but I was, I was leading my group. Oh, you didn’t care because you were leading. Yeah. We had our walkie talkies, you know, but, but I didn’t hear any, you know, one, one person didn’t know which way to go on a trail. And I had to give my heads up on that. But other than that, my ride went smooth. So do you get a lot of chatter with that many people on the radio?


No, they’re all programs. They’re all programmed to a specific channel to where, you know, only our, our people, our volunteers can, can hear it. So Oh, interesting. So you don’t communicate with the people in the group, just the, the, the certain individuals.


No, no, it’s the whole group. All right. I was missing something here. So if he, if he have 75 to a hundred Jeeps and probably about that many on the radio, so do you break that up into multiple groups or did you have one group that was 75 to a hundred?


We just have, we just have our volunteer radios that are doing putting on the rides and putting on, you know, our volunteers. We have a channel set just for us where nobody else can hear what we’re saying. What about the, what about the people that are on the trail ride with you? How do you communicate with them or do you? I don’t, we don’t. Oh, interesting.


We communicate with them ahead of time, tell them what’s going on, what we’re going to do. But I mean, obviously if they need help or something, you know, it’s different, but that’s the responsibility of the volunteers to get that, to let them let you know, or the whole group know that there’s an issue. We need to stop. We need to help this individual out. Yes, sir. Cause I could, I can well imagine that 75 to a hundred people on radio, just making wise ass comments would get, uh, we’d get really busy.


We wouldn’t be able to communicate if there was that many people on the radio. Exactly. Yeah. Okay. So this is interesting. So whenever you had the 311 that first year, were you, did you have any kind of clue that you were going to have that kind of response?


No, I thought it would be, I thought it would be maybe, maybe a hundred, maybe half that, you know, and it was really, it was just a spur of the moment type thing. It was cause I play music up there too.


And I came back up from playing music from the saloon back up the mountain. Then at the top was the landowner, Danny Foster. And I had a five minute conversation with him. I said, Hey, why don’t you let me, uh, uh, have a Jeep event up here because he puts on a lot of different events and, uh, it took five minutes and, and then after that and all them Jeep showed up, it’s been, he said, it’s yours. Do what you want with it. So we’ve been going, we’ve been going every sense. Was this one of the biggest events he’s had is with the Jeepers.


Well he does a Chuck wagon races. That’s his biggest event. It’s a horses and racing horse racing, stuff like that around barrels. And but got a little rodeo going on out there. Oh yeah. Yeah. He does a lot of, uh, a lot of different things, you know, but, uh, it’s his son. He owns seven Springs lodge, which is on top to where all the land is at that we have our event on and his son owns and runs the rattlesnake saloon. So gotcha. So are there a lot of Jeeps at the rattlesnake saloon, uh, quite often or is it, uh, I’m just kind of curious, it seems like a big number that you got there. I’m wondering if there was a bunch of people there that you could talk to about getting the word out about the event or if it was like a local, uh, forum, Facebook, how did you get the word out? I mean, three or 311 is a lot of Jeeps to show up on a first event. In my opinion, Facebook, that’s it. That’s it. We didn’t even have a tick tock. I had, I had about two, maybe two months to advertise for it.


And, uh, you know, right before the rain, I had, we had to do it before the rainy season kicked in there because then it gets too rough for, you know, stop Jeeps to go through. So what kind of terrain do you have there? Is it mo does it get muddy or do you have rocks or, or both?


Well, both really. I mean, there’s a lot of, there’s a lot of tougher, uh, obstacles, but you have the ability to go around them if you want.


But the rain, if it rains and gets muddy, yeah, some of that mud’s bad. So yeah.


Yeah. Bad or fun, uh, depending on the amount of damage that you get. So what would you say the, the, the, what kind of Jeeps do you have come out or is it a wide range of Jeeps or is it a lot of the new stuff or? We have a, we have all kinds, really, uh, anywhere from stop to, uh, all the way up to 37s, 40s. Uh, we just don’t, we don’t really want buggies to come down there just because we don’t want them tearing up the land too much. You know, so what we liked that we like them. We want them to be street legal, but I mean, we understand some people trailer their rig in so they don’t have a tag and all this and that’s fine. You know, but we just don’t want any buggies in there. So I mean, obviously this has the Jeep name on it for the event. So I would think that it would be primarily Jeeps, but do you allow other vehicles in there side by sides, full size pickups, that type of thing?


All Jeeps. Um, yeah, we have all Jeeps at our event. They have another event that they have side by sides and a dirt box and four wheelers, but this is just all Jeep event. Yeah. I like that. And whenever I go to someone like that, especially off road, uh, I prefer it that way. Um, I mean, I don’t have any ill, ill feelings towards anybody else, but I just like, um, everybody having a Jeep and you, it makes it easier whenever, if you’re following somebody because their Jeep is probably going to act a lot like, uh, your Jeep does. So if you’re following behind a Raptor or something forward Raptor, then it may be a little different. And they also too, they may cause a little bit more rutting. That’s going to cause it difficult for you to go through. Yeah. That’s true.


So is this, now you’re at a saloon, you’re having this event. How do you handle the alcohol for the trail ride? And is the, is the trail ride part of the event?


Yes. The trail ride is part of the event. The, uh, the gates open at 6 PM. I mean 6 AM and they close at 6 PM.


But, uh, the alcohol, as far as that goes, we don’t promote it. You know, if you act and stupid, you have to leave the trails for the day. So, you know, we’re not going to kick you out, but you know, if you’re acting crazy, then you have to leave for the day. So, right. So alcohol, uh, consuming alcohol is not prohibited, but you have to be, uh, very thoughtful about how much your, uh, your intake is while you’re out there. Because I would think that was kind of kind of the way it would be if, if it’s a, an event at a saloon, you don’t want to not support the saloon by saying no alcohol. It would be, it’ll think it’d be kind of weird.


Now after the trails close at six, so after six o’clock, you know, oh yeah, absolutely. You do what you want, you know, as long as you’re not causing a scene, but you know, so when I was asking about the different Jeeps, I was kind of curious about the models. If you’re having a modern day wranglers or, uh, you get any colladiators out there or is it just a mix of maybe some, uh, XJs, some TJs, uh, the whole, the whole gambit of Jeeps. Oh, oh yeah. We get out, we get them all. We, we, we don’t discriminate.


You get any renegades out there, the modern day renegade, not the, not the one that was based on the CGA. We’ve got, we’ve got, we’ve got a couple of renegades that come out. Any interesting stories on, on those?


Um, yeah, actually we had one, uh, in our first year that I remember when we did the guided ride and, uh, we had one hole, one dip in the, in the ground and, uh, it didn’t make it, it had to be pulled out. And, uh, but that’s a, that’s the only thing. But they try. I remember, but I mean, they try. Yeah, at least they gave it a shot. You know what I mean? Yeah.


That’s going to be fun. It’s going to be fun seeing the various vehicles out there. So you get, you say you get stock ones up to 37s, but, uh, is that about the, do you have a limit on tire size out there?


We like to keep it at 40 if we can below, you know, but now the green trail, I mean, if you’re an experienced off-roader, you can do every one of them trails in 33 with a lift.


You know, um, but it, you know, everything except the hill climb, you know, we got a big hill climb. I’d recommend 37s and lockers for that, but yeah, you can get yourself in trouble on a hill, a steep hill. Um, kind of what it starts, especially when it starts sliding sideways. Yes. Well, ours is rock. So it goes up about a foot and a half, two foot goes flat. And then it goes up another two foot and it keeps going. Oh, that’s a, yeah. It’s like an escalator kind of deal. So I was just thinking of a single slope. Yeah. You’re climbing stairs there.


So tell me, tell me about the, the event itself. Uh, do you meet and do a driver’s meeting or do you have some fun prior to going out or is the fun after, uh, after going off on the trail, tell me, tell me about the event. So people that don’t know anything about it. What’s the event all about? Well, the event is a, it’s a three day Jeep event. It’s held on a seven Springs lodge rattlesnake saloon in Tuscumbia, Alabama.


Um, August the 31st through September the second is $75 a Jeep. We don’t charge a per person like a lot of other places do.


And, uh, pretty much you get, uh, you’ll get a trifold map. You can also download the map on guy or, uh, a Venza app and, uh, you’ll get that. And, uh, the trails are open. We have all kinds of different events, like sub events throughout the week or not the week, but the day like, uh, the mud bog obstacle course, uh, we’ve got a recovery preparedness seminar, uh, RTI flex ramp competitions.


Uh, we’ve got, uh, and we’ve also have, we also have guided day rides throughout the day. So we’ll have a tent set up and, and when we get enough people there ready to go, uh, we’ll have one of our trail guides come to you, two of them, and they’ll take them out on a ride, you know, for the new people or if you’re a newbie in the Jeep community. So, so how many, about how many volunteers do you have?


Right now we have 30, uh, 24. My goodness. That’s nice. That’s great to have such a, so much help. Yeah. We’ve got a lot of good people that are very knowledgeable about the trails. They’ve been doing it a long time up there, you know, so, uh,


so it sounds like there’s a wide range of things. It’s not just a go to the saloon and drink and go out on trail ride or the one before the other, uh, it, there’s multiple events that you can be a part of. Uh, do you have any kind of raffles or giveaways or sponsors that do things?


Yes. We have a, uh, we have a raffle on the second night, uh, September the first,


we have a big raffle, um, right before the live music, we’ve got live music, August 31st and, and September the first, we have live music. Um, we have a big band. They have the big lights. We have, we got a big outdoor stage, covered outdoor stage where all the vendors are going to be, and we have a big, uh, raffle at 6 PM. So right before, and the band starts at seven. Well, this is a big event. I mean, uh, what kind of vendors do you get out there or which women vendors are you going to have this year? If you know,


we’ve got, uh, we’ve got trail traders that come from, uh, mobile that they put on actually put on the RTI, uh, competition.


We’ve got, uh, seven slots customs that are coming all the way from Oklahoma.


They do powder coating and they sell accessories, I think. And we’ve got, uh, uh, we’ve got one from, uh, north central Arkansas. That’s, uh, that does overland. We’ve got so many, I can’t even think of all of them right now. We’ve put you on the spot. I was, the highlights are fine. Just gives people an idea of, uh, of what to, uh, what to expect. So, uh, so you, I’m sure you have people coming in from, uh, uh, from a distance and maybe some out of state for this, uh, how, uh, how’s the, well, I think you said earlier that there’s a hotel, uh, there as well. Is that where people stay? Do they camp out? If you’re going to come there for multiple days, uh, can you stay there locally or do you need to go into town?


Uh, we, we have camp camping on site. We have a, you can primitive camp. We’ve got water power sites. We’ve got water power and sewage sites.


Uh, and also there is hotels just 10 minutes away downtown, to Columbia. Are you dog friendly there?


Yes, we are dog friendly. In fact, we have a, the Calvert County animal shelter. That’s going to be set up down there and we will be taken down. They will be taken donations. If you give a dog food, cat food or key litter or cash donation, you get a separate raffle ticket from our main raffle that will go towards a, uh, gift set from a slobber off road out of Nashville. That’s going to be set up as a vendor and the winner will get that. So, so, uh, I know you think you guys have a Facebook page, no website. So the, the, the $75 for the Jeeps, is that something you have to pay when you get there, you don’t pay it, you can’t pay it beforehand.


We, we have did a pre-sales before like on even bright or even bright, but, uh, we wanted to go back to the old school way this year for some reason. I just think it’s, it’s better overall because everything’s right there and I don’t, nobody has to work. It’s just less confusion. Sure. Really? So do you, is it, I know cash is fine, but do you take anything other than cash for this when people show up? Oh yeah. Yeah. Well that we take a cash at the gate or you go right, walk right into the office. Uh, for card, so debit card, credit card, all that stuff is just fine.


All right. Well, that makes it easy. So, uh, the, I guess the best way to, to find out more information about the, about this event is to go to your, your Facebook page, right?


Yeah. Facebook, we’ve got tick talk too. Um, we don’t have a, we don’t have a, uh, website yet, which I need to get.


No, it’s fine. I just want to make sure that, uh, that that’s where they go. So, uh, like I said, at the top of the show, if you go to Facebook and do a search for jeepin the saloon, that would be the best place to go to find out the information, is that correct? Yes, sir.


So, uh, yeah, just do the, do a search on that. We have a link that’ll be in our show notes that you’ll be able to see for this episode, uh, so you can always go to jeep talk show.com and click the link there. But probably the fastest way is going to be just going to Facebook and searching for a jeep in the saloon. And of course you’re going to want to, uh, follow subscribe friend, whatever the, whatever the hell Facebook does.


All right.


So it’s a, uh, I think you said this a three day event and, uh, it’s, uh, what do you do after 6 p.m. Is it, uh, you’re not off-road wheeling, but you, do you have any events after 6 p.m.?


Definitely. Uh, so the trails close at six and then after the trails close, we have a back roads ride, which I’m actually leading that. And it goes, uh, it’s about 50% paid 50% gravel. And it goes around a big lake. It goes around Cedar Creek lakes. Beautiful.


And that’s from six 30 to eight. And then from eight to 10 p.m. We have night rides.


So you can schedule to be on a night ride. And, uh, and then from nine to 11 p.m. We have the bonfire.




So, uh, is there anything other than, uh, is there anything provided with that $75 other than just access to the park or I mean, is there any food or is there any drinks, uh, any, anything other than just, uh, you got your Jeep in on, into the park. That’s it. You just, that’s just the, to get the Jeep in. So, so as far as, as far as purchasing a food or drink or anything that’s available, uh, at the, at the event.


Yes. We have a food vendors. We’ll have, we have, uh, four different food vendors there from Mexican to barbecue to, you know, and then if you get tired of that, you can go down to the saloon as well. So, so they have food at the saloon as well. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. They have food at the saloon, uh, drinks, uh, live music. They have all that down there too. So very, very cool. Oh, uh, did you mention the band that is going to be there for the live music or is it more than one, uh, mention all of them? Well, the first day we have what we call the social from six 30 to eight p.m. Where everybody just comes and hangs out. And where I’ve got a Dylan Johnson just playing acoustic, solo acoustic. But the second night we have Axel and they’re a full, uh, they’re a full rock band out of a Jasper, Alabama.


So, well, there’s some good music from Alabama. There’s been a number of groups from Alabama that are very good. So you guys should probably have some good music there. Oh, I don’t forgot to ask. I forgot to ask what, uh, what instrument do you play?


I play guitar and harmonica and sing.


Very nice. Hey, muscle shows is right down the road.


What is it? Muscle shows. Oh, I’ve never heard of it. Muscle shows home of the swampers.




Okay. No, no. I mean, please feel free to talk about it. I’ve just never heard about it. I mean, I’m sure others have. Uh, edit James. Uh, there’s so many people that, uh, that’s recorded there. You know, uh, you hear a sweet home Alabama. Yeah. Oh, that’s all we have. In his blompers, we have the, you know, so it’s, it’s a really famous, uh, recording studio world, world renowned studio.


So we have a lot of famous, uh, musicians that come through muscle shows and it’s literally right beside Tuscumbia. They call them the quad cities, Tuscumbia, muscle shows, Sheffield, and Florence.




all right. Well, I warned you, we were going to talk about your Jeep. And if you have more than one, we’ll talk about your favorite Jeep.


Yeah. I’ve just got one, uh, got this one right here behind me. This, uh, 2015, uh, JK.


Um, it’s got, uh, you know, of course it’s got, uh, of course it’s lifted. You got the winch, got everything it needs for a Jeep in the saloon. So,


and what size tires?


Oh, it’s got 33, 33 inch mud tires. Oh, nice. So you haven’t gone to the, you know, the 37s or the new 33s. So you’re able to do everything out there. Actually I, I, I, I’m able to be a trail leader out there on 33s, which is a, which people should know. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, there’s nothing out there that’s really going to break your Jeep unless you want to try to or take a renegade in the wrong place. Um, so that that’s good to know too. So if somebody wants to go out and have a good time, uh, go to this event, uh, you do not have to have a wild Jeep to be able to go out there and do the trails and, and have a good time. You do not. We have four trails. We have, we have the green trail, the orange trail, the red trail, and the blue trail, the green trail is stock friendly and it’s, it’s two and a half to three hours depending on how much you stop. Well, that’s great. It gives anybody that’s got a new Jeep or a new to them Jeep that stock. And maybe this is the first time they’ve taken it off road and now they don’t really, they can just kind of get a taste of it and get more adventurous after they get the confidence.


Yep. And so we try to cater to everybody, you know, even the stock, you know, stock Jeeps and there’s a lot of different sites, different points of interest that you can see actually on the trail on each trail, you know, like we’ve got the, uh, what we call the wave rock on the green, the green trail is my favorite just because it’s so scenic. We’ve got what we call the wave rock and you walk down through it and you park and walk down through it while you’re on the trail and it’s this big. Like rock gorge and you walk between them and then there’s this big huge cave and then there’s this huge, uh, 80 to a hundred foot rock wall and it’s kind of wavy and we just call it the way rock, but, uh, we’ve got a lot of things like that, like waterfalls, waterfall trails and stuff like that, that you can actually stop and hike a hundred yards or less and see these things. So, wow. It sounds like a really nice area. Um, I just got back from a Easter Jeep safari a couple of months ago and that was a beautiful area, but there’s so many places in the United States that are just, uh, wonderful to be, uh, to go through and see, and they’re all a little different, which makes it very nice.


So, uh, you’ve had this, uh, this Jeep for a while, I would assume, uh, is it going to be your, uh, your Jeep for, uh, years to come or are you looking at any other, maybe replacing it with something else? Man, I love this Jeep. Uh, I’ve had it.


I’ve had it about five years, uh, since I bought it. It’s a, it’s a six speed manual and a two door and, uh, it’s the best vehicle I’ve ever bought. And yeah, have you had a before this one? No, Nope. First one. And it’s a, it’s the first one I’ve ever owned and might be my last one I’ve roamed. So how did you, how did you get to buy the Jeep, uh, the, to start with? Because it sounds like, I mean, before the five years, had you, had you wanted the Jeep for a long time and just never got around to it or.


Well, yeah, I wanted, I wanted something that was really fun to ride in, you know, something that was just laid back, relaxed and just fun to ride. And I said, man, the perfect thing that gets a Jeep. So I drove down to, uh, Tuscaloosa specifically, which is about two hours from where I live, you know? And, uh, and I bought this one. So I wanted a, I wanted a, I wanted a manual and I wanted it to door. I wanted a real Jeep. Yeah. Yeah. Well, the, I mean, the four doors are nice, but they’re not as maneuverable as the two doors off road. Yeah. So, uh, was it difficult learning how to, I mean, it’s the only Jeep you’ve had. So it probably wasn’t that difficult, but a lot of people like automatics, especially for rock crawling. Have you, uh, have you, uh, had some, uh, it was a learning curve. I’m sure. Uh, cause it’s more difficult to wheel with a standard. Oh yeah. Yeah. It was and learning the, uh, you know, the four low climbing heels and, you know, having to do all that and learn because before then, before I bought this Jeep, I didn’t have a clue, you know, so.


A Jeep will spoil you because it really is a go anywhere vehicle and it does it amazingly well. Oh yeah. That’s why I always tell people it’s got the sports cars. You know, you might, you can go fast, but I can go anywhere. Exactly. Yeah. And sometimes you can get there faster because, uh, if the road is closed or there’s, uh, some impediment to it. Do you remember the, uh, the big quake they had in Alaska? Maybe, gosh, maybe it was 10 years ago. Uh, there was a, I believe it was a CJ of the road was just all them blocks and stuff and had a bunch of shelves that, uh, that made it impassable for cars. And the CJ does the CJ is kind of like, get the hell out of the way. I got Jeep shit to do. Yeah. Well, it just went over the road that was there and climbed up those shelves and went on its way and that’s just the thing that people don’t understand about, uh, about, uh, you know, the, like one of the things that I’ve been thinking that is often said, uh, where we’re going, we don’t need roads. Uh, a famous line from back to the future. And that’s, uh, it’s, it’s great to have something. Uh, if you know how to drive it, uh, it’s great to have something that is a go anywhere vehicle.


Yes. Agreed.


All right. So, um, I would assume that with 300 and something Jeeps coming to an event, uh, and, and, uh, that was your first event. How, how much has it grown since then?


It’s grown a lot. We had it, we had a down year last year. Um, and the year before that it rained, uh, half the weekend. So it hurt us some.


Um, but I think I really think that this is going to be the biggest event. I think we’re going to pull, I think we’re going to pull, uh, you know, close to 500 is what I’m, is what I’m hoping for. And 500 Jeeps doesn’t mean 500 people because you know, people bring people. So you probably have a pretty good size group of people there.


Yeah. Yes, sir. And we have, you know, there’s plenty of room we’ve got, there’s actually 20,000 acres and, uh, we just use 3000 of it. So just, we got plenty of room.


Um, do you have people attend the event that maybe they, they don’t go wheeling or maybe they come in there with, uh, without a Jeep, not initially to take it off road, but they just want to be, this is, this one to go to the vent. Maybe they’re curious about, uh, Jeeps like you were before you actually bought one.


Yes. We, uh, we did one year where after the trails close, people could come in, uh, just like to watch the band and hang out. And we’ve had some people like to come in and just watch the mud bog. We have a big, we drain a whole pond out and for our mud bog, right there in the vendor area too. So, scare the hell out of the fish.


And then after the mud bog, right after the mud bog, we have a mud bog foot race. Oh no.




And showers are, and showers are the hose or $25 a person. Oh, we’ve got showers. We’ve got, we’ve got a bath house, showers and bathrooms. And, and I usually give them, you know, some people, other people throw in a cash prize and I’ll stand on the other end and whoever gets to the other end first, get some money. Nice. So it sounds like a bunch of fun, a good, uh, not, not necessarily off road, because it’s just, uh, out, uh, outside doing things in nature, uh, and seeing nature’s beauty and just being kind of being a part of nature in your Jeep. It sounds like a really fun event. Oh, and there’s a, there’s alcohol too. So it’s, it’s kind of a well-rounded thing. Oh, uh, would you, would you consider this a family friendly event or should you leave the kids, the kids at home? It is a family friendly, family friendly event. Definitely. So you can come, uh, the family can come and the dogs can come. So my gosh, I don’t know what else, what more you could add in there. Uh, unless Yeah. I mean, we do it all. So, I mean, like I always say, like even on our Facebook that, you know, we’re all family, everybody, even the vendors, I say, welcome to a Jeep in the saloon family, you know, so we come out and we have a good time and, you know, uh, we’re happy to see everybody and, uh, uh, we just look forward to it every year. This is our big event. So, um, so, uh, is there something you’re doing this year that you didn’t do last?


Uh, yes, actually, uh, we’re doing a lot. We have fireworks this year too. We’re putting on a fireworks show, be like a three to five minute fireworks show after the band gets done playing on a Sunday night. And, uh, Saturday, uh, the back roads ride, that’s new. Uh, the bonfire that’s new. We’re doing a recovery preparedness seminar with a crazy lock, crazy lock off road from Nashville from 10 to 11 30 a.m. Sunday. That’s new. So we’ve got several, uh, new, uh, sub events that we’re putting on this year. Very, very nice. Well, I think this is a, this sounds like a wonderful event. Now, if people, uh, are there any pictures anywhere? I noticed you guys aren’t on Instagram. Uh, do you have pictures on your Facebook page where people can kind of get a flavor for the, uh, the scenery and the, uh, the vet itself?


Oh yeah. Yeah, definitely. And we post, we post them, uh, periodically, you know, uh, throughout the year, we’ll definitely get some more up of, well, I posted one, uh, just maybe not even a month ago of, uh, one of the waterfalls, a video. So you can check that out.


Yeah. Nothing, uh, nothing compares to like being there, but sometimes that, uh, the pictures and the videos help prompt the look at this, this looks really nice. We should go to this type thing. So, uh, the pictures, pictures and videos are always very nice. So again, if you go to Facebook and do a search for Jeep in the saloon, you’ll be able to find the information on this, on this event. And I would assume that you can reach out, uh, on the Facebook. If you have any questions, there’s an email there that people could email, get more information, uh, so on and so forth.


Yeah. Yeah. You can email us at a Jeep in the saloon, um, at gmail.com.


Or you could message message Jeep in the saloon on Facebook. Uh, you know, if any questions, I get a lot of questions regarding the camping. Uh, that’s what most of my questions go to primitive camping is $15. Uh, electric water site is 27 electric water and sewer is 30. So.


Well, it sounds like you guys got it all covered over there. It sounds like a real interesting thing. You guys got to get on Instagram so I can see the pictures. I love Instagram because it’s like, you know, in kindergarten when all the books were this pictures and no words. Yeah. Yeah. We’ll start one up. Sounds great. All right. Was there anything else that you wanted to cover about this? It sounds like a really fun event. I mean, it’s, it’s, you’ve been a Jeeper for five years. You’re doing events, you’re leading a trail rides. I mean, this is kind of the cool thing. You can do anything you want with a Jeep.


Yeah. Uh, I just, you know, I just want to invite everybody to come out and have a great time, you know, if, if this is something you’re interested in, it’s a little bit of a different Jeep event. You know, you actually get to wheel some events. You don’t even get to wheel at. I love that. We’ve, we’ve complained about that on our round table episodes. Is it because it’s just not the same to me. I’ve only been to EGS twice. I can’t imagine go into an event where you can’t go off road. Yeah. And we’ve got, we’ve got 25, roughly 25 miles of trails.


That is that’s great. Well, it sounds like a fun time. I mean, uh, I didn’t know anything about this event prior to the interview and just what I’ve heard you talk about today. I didn’t, I didn’t have any idea for the size of this thing, but you probably have a thousand people at least showing up there and, uh, 500 Jeeps and, uh, a band and food and, uh, food carts and, uh, bathrooms and showers. It just sounds like a big deal. So congratulations. This is a, this is something that people work on for an entire year, uh, before they can get the event. And I think they’re always a little nervous about how well it’s going to go. So I would imagine this takes up a fair amount of your time and, uh, maybe, uh, a little, uh, stomach, uh, uh, acid as well. Yeah. So I was booking, I was booking vendors and sponsors, uh, you know, like in, uh, February. Yeah. So it was when I started with Jeep in the saloon. Well, you know, you know, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s getting really big whenever the day after everything’s done, you start working on next year’s well, Adam, thank you a lot for being here. Uh, so we, we mentioned Facebook and Tik TOK so people can find you on Tik TOK as well. Yes. Yeah.


They just look for, uh, uh, jeeping the saloon on, on Tik TOK.


Yes. So Jeep in the saloon. Well, this is really cool. Thank you very much for being here with us today and good luck on the event. Uh, tell people when the event is again and where it’s located.


Uh, the event is August the 31st through September the 2nd. It’s located in Tusconby, Alabama, uh, on the property of the rattlesnake saloon and a seven Springs lodge. Very, very nice. And I saw a really cool picture of this, like this huge rock shelf. And I, and I would assume that’s where the rattlesnake saloon is, right? I mean, it’s like nature has made, has made a little, uh, um, covered area for you. Yeah. So what you do for the rattlesnake saloon is you have to park in a parking lot. And then this big F two 50, it’ll come and pick you up. It’s got bench seats on each side of it and you get into it. It’s got steps and you step up into it and you sit down and it drives you down the mountain and drives you down to the saloon. Wow. That sounds like that. Just be fun by itself. So you, but you can’t go down there in your Jeep, right?


No, no, not, not, not, not when it’s a, not when it’s open. Yeah. Oh, it makes sense. There’s a limited parking, I’m sure. But that sounds like a really cool place to visit. All right, Adam, thank you a lot. And we’ll, uh, we’ll have to have you back on here maybe after right after the event and you can tell us how it went. Yeah. Yeah. That’d be great.


I appreciate you having me, Tony. Yeah. Thank you.


Hey, thanks again to Adam at the jeeping the saloon. That’s too many of these jeeping the saloon. Go to Facebook and search for jeeping the saloon right now. Check out their event. I mean, it sounds like a great event. Uh, it really looks like a cool place. Check out some of the, uh, the pictures that they have online. So coming up next week, Ken with, uh, Joyo. Uh, I never can’t pronounce this. You’ll hear me talk about this in the interview. But it’s J O I I three or three eyes. Oh, and you can go to J O I I I O.com. And if you’re in a Ken’s area, you can check out getting a, uh, uh, you know, taking the top off for the, for the summer, uh, maybe swapping it out for a soft top for the summer. Uh, and, uh, they only, we’d come to your house to swap that out and store it in their facility. It’s a really cool idea. I can see people, especially you folks up there. Uh, uh, so close to Canada, you might as well be Canada.


Be very eager to choose that Jeep the way God intended it to be topless.


And that’s a wrap for today’s episode of the Jeep talk show. I want to give a big thank you for, uh, to our special guest for joining us today and sharing their knowledge and experience with the Jeep community. Remember we have five episodes a week and it’s understandable. If you have missed past episodes, you can always find us on your favorite podcast platform or on our, on our website with over 1000 episodes. There’s plenty of Jeep talk show to entertain you while driving to your destination, working out at the gym or mow in the grass, improve your day by listening to more Jeep talk show. It’s a huge back catalog. I mean, if you get caught up, I mean, five episodes a week is a lot. If you get caught up and you’re going, what do I do now? Uh, there’s other podcasts out there, of course, but what do I do now? I want to listen to more Jeep talk show. And if you haven’t even cracked open the back catalog, they’re all there. You can listen to them anytime you want. And I would recommend that you, uh, set your podcast player to download the five most recent episodes. That way, if you’re in the trail, you’re someplace where you don’t have cell service, uh, and you’re tired of listening to that same music over and over again. Uh, you can just press play and you got at least a probably five hours worth of Jeep talk show that you can listen to. So, um, yeah, maybe you want to download more, uh, just to have it on your phone.


By the way, we’d love hearing from you, our listener, reach out to us via email, phone, or social media. We use your voicemails on the show. Just go to Jeep talk show.com slash contact, uh, to, uh, to find out how to reach out to us. It’s just really simple. Go there. You’ll see all the ways you can reach out. So until next time, keep on jeeping and we’ll see you on the trails. Hey, remember Fridays are red. Remember everyone deployed. Broadcasting since 2010.


You’re my friend. You’re my new friend.