
Jeep Talk Show

A Show About Jeeps!

Episode 821 – AT, MT, or RT?

Are Skid Plates Necessary?

I’m not sure if I want skid plates because I need them, or I just love how sexy they look.

Full skids, or just important area skids?

Do you have to damage something to figure out what the important areas are?

AT, MT, or street tire?

What are all these letters on tires?  AT MT etc…

AT = All-terrain MT = Maxim Traction

What’s a street tire? Can you use AT and MT on the street?

MPG, how long do the tires last?  Problem with bigger tires?

2-way radio

Why do I need a special radio to talk on when I have a cell phone?

CB, GMRS, Zello, 2-way Internet handy talkies.

How are these radios used off-road, and on-road?

If I have a radio in the Jeep and my wife sends me to the store can she talk to me with the spare radio I she made me take in?

Must-Have Stuff Pick-of-the-Week for your Jeep!

KC HiLiTES Cyclone V2 LED – Single Light – Clear Lens – 5W Flood Beam

The 3rd Annual Jeep Talk Show Off-Road Event – Texas is coming up on June 3rd, this week!  You may have just enough time to buy yourself some rock lights for our night wheeling!

Several of the JTS team have these lights, including me.  I am very happy with them.  I have 9 of them.  2 red, 5 white, and 2 amber.

You can get them from several places online including Amazon.  They are 31.99 each.

I mounted most of mine with magnets that bolt through the center holes of the KC Cyclone V2’s