
Jeep Talk Show

A Show About Jeeps!

Deadly Force?

On tonight’s episode we’ll be asking you…

What would it take for you to use deadly force to protect your Jeep?

Do you use written documentation of modifications?

Buying an older Jeep, do you research maintenance?

This episode is sponsored by the Toledo Jeep Fest, a fun downtown event for the whole family and the heart of Jeep Country, August 1st through August 4th. Visit ToledoJeep, Jeepfest.com right now. Your adventure awaits.


I’m Tony and I wanna welcome all you new listeners and our regulars to the Jeep Talk Show Round Table. I’m your host and I’m excited to have you here for this special gathering of passionate Jeep enthusiasts. If you get here for the pre-party, the 7.30 p.m. Central Time to 8 p.m., you really get a feel for the passion I’m talking about.


(laughs) On tonight’s episode, we’ll be asking you, what would it take for you to use deadly force to protect your Jeep? I know some of you who don’t wouldn’t take much, but we’re gonna talk about this tonight. It’s controversial and I think it’s interesting.


Do you use written documentation of modifications?


Buying an older Jeep, do you research the maintenance?


You know, you can submit your questions for the round table, just go to jeeptalkshow.com slash contact to find out how.


Are you ready? It’s time for the Jeep Talk Show with hosts Tony, Josh, Wendy, and Chuck.


All right, whether you’re a diehard Jeep enthusiast or just starting to explore the world of off-roading, we’re thrilled to have you here as part of this discussion. Please consider joining the discussion by being part of our weekly Zoom meeting. Just go to jeeptalkshow.com slash contact to find out how to join. Hey, for a limited time and a limited number of subscribers, we’re running a 30% off sale to become a Patreon subscriber. Only $3.50 a month gets you started on the Travis plan. It’s an unofficial name. If you get in on it, get it for a whole year, that way you can lock in the right.


Subscribe for a full year.


All right, to our round table meeting attendees, please introduce yourself with your name and location the first time you speak tonight. This helps the show listeners know your voice when you speak. Now, of course, if you’re watching this on YouTube and many of you don’t know, we have a YouTube channel where all of our episodes are on there. You can actually see the people talking, at least the ones that are sending us a video. All right, so let’s get started with this. Hello, Zoom people.


Hello. – Hello, good neighbor. Nobody gives a fuck to me. (laughing)


– Chuck, we always appreciate your support.


– Hey, my name’s on the intro.


– Chuck, did you see my message I sent you? Elon was talking about the Starlink access being a lot better than what it used to be. Do you still have one or did you burn it? – No, I have it. And I’m gonna wait for everyone to figure it out. And then I’m gonna do it again so I can talk to you on a normal basis. – Yeah, it’d be good to get you back on the show. I know everybody would really enjoy that. – I don’t know that that’s true, but whatever. – Yeah. – I would agree with that. – All right, so I’ll mention this about G-tops. You guys remember we were doing the G-tops giveaway? Well, that giveaway has ended as of last week, but we’re giving you a full week to submit your answers. Actually, you submit the question and the answer over at jeeptalkshow.com slash contact. So you can go back to last week’s round table episode and get the– – Did I win again? – Get the, and get the other question and then give your answer. And you’ll have up to midnight Wednesday, that’s 6.19 midnight central time to put in your answer. And unlike Roger thinking, because Roger was answering four weeks of question at one time, you can only answer one question a week. So, and we will be announcing the winner, perhaps on the next round table episode. We’ll have to go through there and call out all the entries. Let me ask you something. One of the Jeep Talk Show team members, I think either Chuck, actually Greg would probably be pretty funny. All the names, put it in a hat and then pick out the name from a hat live on, right here on the round table. What do you guys think?


– Sure. – I think Chuck was stacking in his honor. Oh, hey, Chuck. – Well, whoever’s picking for the hat can’t win. How about that?


– So we have Chuck new with a flat bill hat.


– What’s wrong with them battles and those, would you? You guys are all fucking broken.


(laughing) – So Chuck and Andrew– – I know if I was picking, I would be like, oh, hey, look, it’s me, I won. – Yeah, Chuck and Andrew, not you Andrew, but the other Andrew, the one, a Jeep, at one of the guests that we interviewed. Those are the only two people that can’t win.


– No new Jeep, not for the new Jeep. (laughing)


Just because we’re a country, dang it.


– All right, so that’s that. Now let’s get on to our first question. And you guys tell me what you think about this question. I think it’s very good. I came up with that all by myself. What would it take for you to use deadly force to protect your Jeep? – Nothing.


– So there’s nothing anybody could do, stealing, taking out the catalytic converters, nothing. None of that stuff would make you– – It’s only recently Chuck had a Jeep that somebody could steal and would work to run away.


(laughing) Most of the time, these were broken on the side of the road, so nobody wants to steal our shit away. – I’m supposed to fucking say this stuff. This is from Kansas, blah, blah, blah, blah. – Wow, he listens. (bell ringing) When you deploy, you understand that there’s things that doesn’t matter. And equipment or vehicles, that doesn’t matter. So absolutely not, let them fucking take it. It’s just stuff, it’s just stuff.


They can fucking have it. – I’ll shoot that in the face.


(laughing) – What John? – Actually I would shoot him in the big toe. That way he can watch him dance around a little bit like that. – John, you’re airy schooled. – At least get some energy out of it. – You’re a good boy. – So shut up. – We deploy four months at a time. Just because we get to do it in nice air condition, comfy outfit, doesn’t mean it’s not to the point. It just means you’re dumber. – I don’t wanna overshadow anybody else. I understand that everyone has their own opinion, but as a deployed veteran, it’s just shit. It doesn’t fucking matter to me. I care not about stuff. Let them take it. – That’s very mature and reasonable, Chuck, and I’m surprised it’s coming from you. – So this is Larry from St. Louis. So I would say for me, as long as,


like there wasn’t someone still in there or that, I’m kind of on the same line with Chuck, because for me, the thought of if I shot the person, what is it that cost me in legal fees? It’s gonna far surpass the cost of that Jeep.


Chuck clears throat) And the legal definition of self-defense is, you don’t use deadly force to do more stuff. You use deadly force to protect somebody else or yourself. – It depends on the state. And the state of Texas, you can use deadly force to protect your property. – Yeah, in Texas, you can. – Your home, your home property. – I mean, you can get your car property. – No, no, any property. – Castle law would cover you when your car too. – Yep, yep. – While it might be legal, the civil, they start doing the civil court suits against you, you’re still gonna have to pay that lawyer.


– So when I got back from second appointment, I went and got a concealed carry, right? Like a lot of veterans do. And it’s a get out of jail earlier card, but you’re still going to jail and you’re still gonna do all your stuff.


So what I learned early on, like not early on in my life, but early on in my civilian life was, you’re still going to prison.


Is it worth it? No, I don’t wanna get raped. I don’t wanna fucking go to prison. I don’t want anything, it’s just stuff. – And it wasn’t that pretty Chuck, don’t worry about getting raped. (laughing)


– Is it 20 bucks involved?


– Yeah, like you don’t,


I think about my wife and my children and everything, like it’s just a Jeep. They’re gonna have to go through how many fucking nights without their husband, without their daddy, without all that stuff for a fucking plastic or metal Jeep. Like, no, I’d much rather go home to my family and then we’ll deal with the insurance later to get that, recuperate the money, and then we just buy another one. Like, no, I’m a family guy, like I’m not into fucking killing people anymore. Like we did that a lot back in the fucking deployment days. – Chuck, that’s a common sense answer. Common sense answers are just not entertaining. So why don’t you just be quiet for a bit and what we’re talking about. – I think Larry kind of hit it on the nail on the head. It depends on what’s in the damn thing, right? If my dog’s in there, I’m gonna shoot you.


My family, you know, wife, kid, whatever’s in there, it all depends on kind of what’s in there. I agree with Chuck, if it’s just a freaking Jeep, it’s just a Jeep, I don’t care. But I don’t know what you’re assuming. You’re assuming like a car-jacking situation, or are you assuming like you’re sitting in there drinking Coors Light, cause you don’t know how real beer tastes. And you look out the parking lot and somebody’s driving off with your Jeep. I mean, if it’s a car-jacking situation and someone’s like, “Hey, I’m gonna steal your Jeep unless you shoot them or whatever.”


So maybe that’s kind of like my life.


– Like John, I think it’d be fun to use if someone would come up and they’re like, “Hey, you’re in the driver’s seat. I’m gonna take your rig.” Like, oh, that’s funsies now. Like we’re so gonna fucking kill everything about you. Like, yes, absolutely. But if you’re out of it and you’re watching them fucking steal your rig, you just sit back and go, “Well, I’m gonna get paid from insurance. It doesn’t matter.” Like if it’s a physical threat to the myself, oh, I’m gonna win. I don’t give a fuck what I have to do. I’m going to win.


– So let me put this twist on it. Now, California, and you guys call me out if this isn’t the same thing. California is now allowing people to steal the shoplift up to what, $972 worth of merchandise? And they don’t, you don’t stop them?


You don’t sell a Jeep store, that’d be cool. That’d be a lot of trips. But they’re allowing this to happen. And what does that tell the people that are shoplifting that it’s perfectly fine to do this?


– You can take XJ. You can take XJ. You can take XJ. (laughing) – You can steal that. – So this is the thing I’m saying that if somebody is willing to do something to your Jeep, steal off of it, steal the Jeep, attack it, damage it, they’re out there beating it with a sledgehammer, and they’re damaging your property, at what point do you have to make a stand for it to make sure that they don’t keep them back or people that find out about how you just roll over and allow that to happen, that they’re gonna come back? – Personal threat. I really believe it’s personal threat or family threat. It’s just like nobody gives a fuck about stuff at the end of it. But if you’re gonna fuck with my family or fuck with me, I’m gonna win. I don’t care how much I have to fight. I’m going to win. – If I don’t win, then you’re a better man. But if it’s just stuff, like who cares?


– Thanks, this is Janet from Dallas. Did I do that right? I think I did that right. – Thank you. – Perfect.


– It’s very dark in your room. Do you not have some room? – I don’t have lights in my office. I have a ring light. – Do you live in an hour care? She doesn’t wanna burn her like you see in her office anyway, Chuck, just calm down. – I don’t need to buy lights here. Make things happen. No, not even close. I’ve been down.


I’m in Dallas. But I agree. I’m, as people that were at Hidden Falls and at home, I’m just a momma bear to my daughter. If he’s in the vehicle with the car decking situation, and oh, I’m not going down without a fight. It’s my life over hers. And then, but as much as I love my Jeep,


take it, I can rebuild.


But if it comes to my daughter, yeah, we’re not playing around with that. – You feel that, I’m the one? – Yeah, I mean, it’s like locally, people always ask about like what they can do to help keep their Jeep from getting stolen. My answer is always just ensure it really good. Like if you’re not getting hurt, who cares?


And then on the side of, if you’re getting hurt, like I’ve always told my kids, there’s only one monster in this house and that’s me. And when you flip that switch,


someone’s going to be really hurt. That’s not me.


But outside of that, who cares?


– That’s how you keep at least three cookies left in the stack, right? They’re worried about that. – I really don’t eat sweets, so they eat all that. – It’s kind of, you’re thinking in your head, you’re like, man, I’m thinking $1,000 a month for car insurance.


– Oh, shit. – It’s time for them to pay.


Oh, I got teenage drivers. I got teenage drivers, man, when soon as you get to your age, I’m like– – Okay, all right, I get it. – At some point, you’re like, it’s time for them to pay.


It’s time for them to pay. So I’m just gonna sell them.


(indistinct) – So from the standpoint of it’s just stuff, if you look at it from using a firearm, going out there, getting in a confrontation, the gunfight, you’re guaranteed to win is the one you’re never in. Let them have the shit. I stand, I’m in agreement with Chuck here. I’m not going out there and getting in the face of somebody. I don’t know what’s going on. Let them have it.


If it’s that valuable to me, I take a sniper’s position off the roof and end the situation from a distance. (laughing) – Theoretically. – What? – Well, in my career, realistically, I drive a TJ, even insured, and caught set up unless I did a lot to it, and you got a market value, greed value deal. – You’re not even a deductible.


– Yeah, am I out like what, five grand maybe? – Yeah. – I’m not even a deductible.


(laughing) – The problem with all of this is deadly force


to someone that loses their life. You’re going to prison,


and depending on the resolution of it is how fast you get out.


So, where I’m at, we’ve got a lot of land and a lot of stuff, and I’m not going to prison, period.


So, we had guys steal $10,000 worth of hay and burn our equipment down. – That’s a lot of land. – It’s like, all right, fuck off. – You had a drag. – Fuck off. I don’t really fucking care. I love my wife, I love waking up next to her. I love my kids, I love having breakfast with them, and I’m like, I don’t care. So, deadly force is one of those things that there is a very, very thick line, in my opinion. Where, unless you are getting deadly force onto you,


you don’t give deadly force back. And I’m a veteran, right? I’m an actual real life combat veteran. So, you’re like, I won’t do it, 100%, I won’t do it. I will sit back and I’m not a small person, and I’m not a weak person, and if someone comes up to me and says, “Give me your wallet,” you just fucking hand it to me. Here’s my wallet. (laughing)


– Shut up. – And I’ve got a huge ass. – You’re missing the point. You all are missing the point. – How? That’s a huge ass.


(laughing) – Yeah, I think the easy statement would be, we’re gonna kill them where they stand. But that’s not the realistic answer. – I think this is great. – That’s not the legality. – This is really good answers to this question. It is not what I anticipated, especially from F.U. Bob. – Yeah, legal ease. Legal ease says you’re going to prison regardless if you have a CDL or anything. You’re going to prison. I’m not going to prison. So, if someone wants $1,000, $10,000, $100,000 from me, I’ll just give it to them. And that’s why we have insurance. And just let them go on their way. Karma is a fucking thing. Those guys will get fucked later. And you just recuperate your stuff. You still wake up with your wife. You still wake up with your kids. Now, if they’re trying to kill you, absolutely kill them. 100% kill everybody. But you don’t fucking do it for some stuff. It’s just a shot. – Well, you can’t do it. Your car is considered part of your home. So, the Castle Doctrine technically protects you in that situation. – But you’re still going to prison, bro. – No, I don’t think so. – I think they said earlier, it’s legal versus civil. Because you can win a legal battle and stay out of prison and then lose your entire house. But everything else, we’re losing a civil. – Yes, you can. But even if you don’t have to deal with that part of it, like after you take someone’s life over a car, the mental and emotional toll and all the therapy, you’re gonna probably have to go through.


– No, I don’t care about any of that stuff. We kill one of the people that sees. – I don’t go fuck about that.


– No, I mean, killing people is not a problem. Like, I love dogs way more than I love people. Like most people need to be killed. But you don’t– – Hold on, don’t get me wrong. Like if somebody’s trying to kill me, I don’t have an issue killing them, but I’m not gonna kill them over a car. – Right, you don’t kill people over something’s mean.


– Yeah, but then the ones that made the choice. – That’s what my dad did. Like I’ll kill people over my dad’s seat, like 100%. – Yeah, but you know, they always say– – Well, hey, don’t get me wrong. – If you’re willing to kill somebody over an object and you have value to that object more than another human’s, and I think that’s wrong. I think that human values that object more than their own life at that point. – And John, that’s why you’re a Democrat.


Good job, John, you’re a Democrat. – Where do I vacation? I’m in South Florida, man. You know how many truck boats I saw flying by the day on that freaking– – Doesn’t matter. Like we see it, we see everything through, all of your tequila drinks and all your tahottie toddies. We fucking suggest, just because that’s it in the middle doesn’t mean I’m a comic. – So I think this is really, really good. I’m glad to hear all this. I wish Henderson was here, because I’d be interested in hearing what Henderson would say. I think Henderson would kill everybody within a five mile radius of his vehicle. – Well, and I think like Chuck’s the combat veteran, so he’s got experience in that state. But like for your average person, there’s gonna be a whole lot of therapy after all, any kind of situation like that. – It’s horrible, just the thought of ending somebody’s life. I mean, I think that if I, I think if I was, well, the first 12, the first 12, let’s say, the first dozen, maybe a baker’s dozen. – No, I have one. I have a single unit that is now not alive because of me, and I have no problem with it, because I came home to my children, right? They weren’t trying to steal my Jeep. They were trying to kill me. And I was like, I’m gonna go home to my kids, so I’m fine with it. It’s fine. – But anyway, I really like these answers, because this is very surprising and hopeful.


I put a lot of time and effort into my Jeep, and I know a lot of you guys even do more so, time, effort, and money, and modifying. And it just seems like that is almost like a family member that somebody’s either trying to take or destroy or do something. So this is great. I’m glad to hear it this way. – Yeah, I’ll let the insurance company buy a new one, and I don’t wanna make a lawyer rich.


– My lawyers, they’re the ones that run it all anyway.


– Yeah, I need one. – Do you need one? – That’s funny.


I would make a good lawyer. I like to argue.


– And it’s air conditioned.


And it’s air conditioned. I do like air conditioned. – Oh, who doesn’t, especially in Texas.


– Here in South Florida, this week has been like low 70s, no humidity, perfect breeze off the oceans, been brilliant. – Nobody cares about you, John. So let’s move on to the next question. – All righty.


– Damn, Tom Hanks is turning him green. – He won’t kill you, but he’ll attack you. – All right, so do you use written documentation of modifications or do you do like I do? I just take pictures and then go back and look at the date on the pictures to try to figure it out. – I don’t understand this question. – So whenever you make modifications to your Jeep, do you write it down written documentation and this at this specific time, and this is what happened, maybe this is how I felt, and I would not kill somebody over somebody stealing this part. – Well, that’s fucking challenging. Are you fucking writing poetry or are you building a Jeep? – Yes. – I don’t keep a journal necessarily, dream journal or what one. This is how I felt, but I do keep a mileage log on this miles, I rotate the tires. On this one, I swapped out the rear axle or whatever.


I do keep a log and I keep it on Google drive actually.


– You’re so air forced, John, I swear to fucking God. – Dear diary, I installed my skid plate.


– It’s seven o’clock in the morning. Oh, sorry, Air Force, oh, 700. And I felt very like my rectum seems a little bleedy today.


– It might be pineapple, don’t eat so much pineapple. – He’s just jealous because he’s sitting outside and moping around wearing shower shoes, huffing into a fucking port-a-potty – I’m literally wearing boots right now, John. Why are you so upset that my life is good? – Rectum, Danner killed him.


– Thanks, Larry.


I actually, I’ve never logged stuff. And then at the end, I was always like, I really wish I would have logged stuff. – It gets confusing, doesn’t it? When you have multiple Jeeps.


– We see a log stuck in the scrap. – When did we put those shocks on that Jeep? Like, oh, 15 years ago, maybe we should put some more shocks on that Jeep. Like, I don’t fucking remember. – Well, realistically, we all order everything online now. Don’t you have a receipt of everything you did? – I love Amazon, I can just go search Amazon. – I don’t know who Mohawk guy is, but I don’t like him.


– He’s gonna take beer with me next week. – No, Chuck. – Oh, yeah, you’re going with the pastor. – Chuck’s gonna be calling me. – Pastor Whitley, do you have your Jeep? – I won’t have my Jeep.


– So you’re not gonna come to the pastor with me. I’m literally going to you, going to a fucking lakeside like John Hammond over here. And I’m just gonna drink beer with John Hammond. – Yeah, I wouldn’t go into a pastor with a Tom Hanks looking motherfucker like that.


(laughing) – You’re likely to get a drink here. – You’re likely to get a cow patty fight. – He’s like, you gotta purr him, man. I don’t know. – I’m literally bringing my own beer. I can’t go to a fucking random rectum fucking section. And I’m not- – I’m down, I’m down, I’m down, I’m down, I’m down. – Shannon, welcome to your first Zoom room.


(laughing) – I’ve been going like so far.


– This seems to be a little extra crunchy tonight. (screaming) – I’m not gonna be pretty quiet, but-


– Not in the old days, John. Remember the old days when I was next to you? Cause you had 35s. – What? – Do you remember the old days when I’d make money cause you had 35s? – Well, actually I would make fun of you cause I watched Janet on 35s, like crunch it on the top of Wildcat. – No, I’m saying, remember the old days? – You know what I mean? You know what I mean? You little scrambler on 35s couldn’t even make it up the V-March on TRO. – John, sober up a little bit. Sober up a little bit. I’m just saying, do you remember the old days when I’d make fun of you on 35s? – I don’t remember shit, dude. That was several coconut rums and stuff like that. Because Chuck said that 35s were huge tires. Cause he was all into this. – There was a balloon tire. There’s no fucking need for 35s. – What size is on the gladiator?


– 37. – Yeah, but that’s when it came with it, right?


– Simon, I, hey, you know what, hey. – He did take that thing to Ulta. – Well he passed the test and he took out the Kerbin Ulta. – The makeup what? – You know, you gotta lock it in for a little.


– For funsies. – You know, rock, you re-lock it in for funsies. – I sent that to John and Bill for funsies. I like put it up on the fucking deal.


The old cell phone call him. – Hey, thank you. – That’s just connected for audio, but it’s not. – Yeah, it’s just not provided. – Oh shit. – It’s a phone. It’s a fucking phone.


– Hey, it’s not that fucking hard. It’s like a penis, just talk into it.


– Can you hear me now?


– Yeah, my mic’s on. – You hear my text message? Buy me some fucking Patagonias. Fuck it, let’s do it.


– John, let’s have a personal conversation on the phone. – Oh, shut up. – I don’t like you. – John, no one cares about you. – I don’t like to hear you. I think they’re still working out the kinks. – There we go. – To answer the question, yes, I can do Google Drive.


– Most of my 30 Patrops drank last night, so I don’t have too many beers tonight. I have to get their fucking show on the road. – Yolo.


– On top, it’s gonna fall on. – No.


– I’ve never seen that outside before.


– At Greg’s place? – Yeah.


– Greg’s place is a shit hole. There’s like fucking broke down parts everywhere. – If you were here after the show ends, a lot of times he goes out there to show us stuff. – Well, I mean, I’ve seen the furnace or whatever that thing is, but it’s usually at nighttime. I’ve never seen the outside during daily. – But the same way it goes outside, it’s like 10 o’clock at night and you see shit. It just black.


– I don’t really care about it though. – I’ll find the furnace. Unlike you, I like Greg. – Anyway, I will add, maybe advantages of doing something like a little, you know, long book and you can find things like storage specs or whatever it is, stuff you install, you can pull it down really quickly on Google Drive.


– Yeah, it actually depends on the age of the vehicle, so like a guy like me that buys like super old rigs,


you’re starting over again, right? – No, no, this is just the right thing.


Somebody move Greg so we can actually have a conversation. – Greg, put your microphone off. Nobody cares about you driving through your pasture.


– Man, I hear some dissension in the ranks.


(laughing) – You fucking Greg, nobody cares about your fucking 15 acres. You have, nobody fucking cares. – But Chuck, I think you’re totally wrong. It doesn’t matter the vehicle age. If you’ve got specific information about the vehicle


for like intervals of oil changes or differential changes or transmission changes, and you store it in a place that’s handy, like Google Drive, you can pull up on your phone in a heartbeat, then that like, to me, I’ve got, because when you start selling aftermarket shit, you can just Google like, what are the factory torque specs for a JK long arm or JK control arm? Because you’re not running the factory JK control arms anymore. You’re running, you’re running your off-haul, or whatever it is. So you can record again. – All right, John, maybe I misunderstood the question. I thought it was like, this is a new rig, and you’re bringing a new rig in, do you have all this information in the past? And I’m like, fuck no.


– Yeah. – I understand now. – I just made it. – I think the question is, do you keep a good log for your ownership plus? All right, maybe, yeah. – Well, the other advantage I’ll give you is like, if you’re at the tool store, you’re looking to buy a wrench that you can pull up really quickly, because I keep like, here’s the size of sockets and wrenches and stuff I need for my, here’s what my control arm bolts are, here’s what my in-link bolts are, whatever. So if I’m in there and I’m like, which tool set do I want? Oh, I need to make sure I have an 18, I need to make sure I have a 21, make sure I have a whatever it is. If you’ve got that kind of information handy on something like Google Drive, that’s real easy to pull up when you’re in Lowe’s or Harbor Freight or whatever. And that way you get what you need and you don’t get a bunch of shit you don’t.


– I don’t, I actually, I don’t live that life. So like everything, everybody gets brand new stuff, everywhere, like we’ve got 17 rigs, so everyone gets all brand new shit. Like I don’t understand that at all. – Then you end up with a rig like Larry’s, who had to go to four and a half inch here Springs, and it was so damn heavy. Because you have so many buckets, which was great in math, you know when you were able to like read this. – You don’t say bad things about Larry. Larry is the uncle that we all like. You don’t say bad things about Larry. – We’re complaints about the 6,000.


– Larry still has a dump truck on my property that he won’t come fucking get. – I don’t say bad things about Larry.


– No one complains about the 6,000 pound rig when they need things.


– Yeah, exactly. I don’t say anything bad. I do say I can outrun him right now. I think I can jog faster. I think I can jog faster than Larry right now.


– Yeah, but when isn’t that the case? If you see me running, you better start. – Larry doesn’t have to run. All he has to do is say sick him.


– Obviously I can outrun Duke, depending on how many they can execute. That’s because we have to run. – Tony, do we have a third question or what?


(laughing) – Yeah, we kind of lost the show tonight. – What’s the third question?


– Chuck, we’re only 32 minutes into this, so I’m milking it out.


– It’s not very hard to melt the booze. – All right, well, this is gonna be kind of like the last question, so Chuck won’t like it. If you are buying an older Jeep, do you research the maintenance that was done on it? Or do you just make the assumption that no maintenance has been done?


– Well, that probably was. We’re gonna get older than this. – Well, you should, anytime you buy something used, you should assume the maintenance is not up to date. – Yeah, it’s zero. – And then in that, like, even in buying something older versus something newer, as far as maintenance goes, what’s really different? Valvelash? Like, there’s not a whole lot. Maybe you have to pack wheel bearings instead of buying hubs?


Like, maintenance really isn’t very different.


– Yes, Chuck, he would have loved to have understood what they did in that CJ-7 before he got it. – Really?


You did it, John. (laughing) – Did they replace the fuel system, replaced that? – Well, I believe it was a gorgeous Jeep, everything else you could fix. – It still is pretty, but we’re at the point now where we’re gonna do a compression test on the standard. We think that the Honda’s–


(overlapping chattering)


– Somebody needs some new grass.


– I don’t see this when I come. – It doesn’t matter, yeah.


Six hours. – One of my needs.


– Chuck, you should be in phone.


(overlapping chattering) – I think Janet was trying to say something. – Yeah, I was trying to interject.


Yeah, so when I bought my rig, I actually bought it from my husband,


and I can tell you, he did not do the appropriate maintenance on it. It had a really crappy lift, and it was like glued together from a junkyard. So I just started brand new on it, started fresh, and it was actually a blessing to get re-inted last January,


and just kind of start from brand new, all new bumpers to get to– (overlapping chattering) – Hey, Janet, all that I got out of that is, have you bought it from your ex-husband?


– Yes, he had it– – Yes, super fun. – I’m super fun? – Yes, you bought something from your ex-husband. You are super fun.


Fuck yes.


– He wasn’t doing anything with it. He sat with it, he sat on the driveway for like– – Someone do you like? – I love you.


– Yeah, 100%. I love you. You’re perfect. – No wonder he’s an ex.


– Exactly.


There’s many more reasons, but we don’t get it. – Oh, there always is, yes. – We don’t have it this time. – We don’t care about the wiener size, we’ll move on.


(laughing) – All we wanna know is could he ever wheel the rig before you got it? – No, absolutely not. – Some people just don’t get it. – The first time that rig went off-road was to Hot Springs in June of last year,


and it’s been off-road in a recent. So we’ve had, and to answer with our earlier question, I think I’ve done such rapid mods on it that I haven’t been able to keep track of where we’re going, but I know the one that’s coming up is gonna be the last one for a while. – What are you doing? What’s coming up, Janet? – So right now I’m on 35, with Teraflix 3 1 half inch lifts. I’m going up to a 5 inch Teraflix lift,


long arms, 40s. I’m actually taking a Mark’s old 40s since he went up to 42s. So we’re getting new bumpers, motor belt bumpers, and then some modifications to the steering. We’re not doing full steering right now, but that’ll come later this year. – Who’s we?


– Me, I’m a wallet.


(laughing) – That’s how it’s supposed to be. Fuck yeah. – Exactly. Well, I go through platinum off-road to do all my mods. I don’t have all that stuff in my garage. So I work really closely with them and I work with Mark also to talk, shop and do what we need to do to follow where I’m going and my progress with wheeling.


I think it was pretty obvious during this last trip that the 35s just weren’t gonna work anymore. – Greg, shut the fuck up or delete your mic. One of the two. – I didn’t say anything. Can I?


(indistinct) – For the cars that I’ve bought, every time I buy a car that’s got like good maintenance history that has like paperwork and stuff, they end up being the worst cars ever. And every time I buy one that’s super questionable, I never have a problem.


– I mean, I bought some Jeeps. – Women were that way, that’d be great. – I bought some Jeeps from some farmers that are like, we don’t know what we’re doing, but they work. And then I bought the CJ7 that I had a plethora of stuff, a guy, old, like hand built everything. And that Jeep is the demise of my jeeping experience. Like that fucking Jeep sucks. – Over the scrambler, the 81 scrambler that you tore down that this one is more problematic? – The 81 scrambler ran. I mean, we had some issues with it, but I can get into it and have some fun. That fucker doesn’t run. Like doesn’t not run. Like it has no, like it fucking hates living.


Yeah, yeah. – Here’s oils. – And then he had that five that my dad had, and he never changed the oil in 25 years. – Oh my God. – And the fucker still runs.


So you’re like, fuck off, man. Like I don’t know. I think it’s just a mixed batch thing. – Yeah, you never can tell. All right, you guys stand by. I got to ask Henderson a question. This is the one I wanted to him here for. So Greg, are you there with me? – Yeah, I’m here. – So our first question tonight was, what would it take for you to use deadly force to protect your Jeep?


– To protect my Jeep? – Yes, like if somebody was stealing it or damaging it or cutting stuff off of it, what would it take?


– In public, nothing. I wouldn’t use deadly force to save a material possession. If it was at my house and somebody was breaking in,


that might be different because my kids and family would be around. But in public, if I was at a restaurant, somebody who’s stealing my Jeep, let them have it. Material possession is not worth somebody’s life, in my opinion.


Now, if they were threatening me or the family or somebody that I knew, that’s a different story. But deadly force over a material possession, I would take it, enjoy it, I have insurance. – That was the answer most everybody said.


– Just not for everyone.


– Now, if I was in it and they were trying to take it, that’s different. – Right. – And if you did use deadly force, I mean, what good is the vehicle to you if you spend the rest of your life in jail? – You don’t spend, yeah, no jail for deadly force. – I mean, if you get caught. – But yeah, so I guess I’m the same as everybody else, right? A material possession isn’t nearly as important.


– Even if they’re a scumbag, killing somebody is not worth a possession. – I will have to say it is fun to do that, but. – Oh, I’m sure. I wholeheartedly believe that it would be fun. And I hate to say it that way, but there’s a lot of worthless people, and if it was socially acceptable, it’s different, but it’s not socially acceptable.


– Unfortunately, you dream about it for the rest of your life. See, you drink it.


– Some people just leave killer. – If you’re in the military, I can’t just go do that at the public, pigly wiggly. – That was the funny, that was a joke, right? Come on, now, like fucking keep up.


– What the fuck is a pigly wiggly? – I don’t know, the cable guy used to talk about the pigly wiggly bags, so it’s some kind of store down where– – It’s a grocery store. – It was there in the city. – No, it was a grocery store here in Texas. I don’t know if they’re still there or not. – Yeah, they’re still around. We have them by us. – So from Arkansas, we have wiggly wigglies around here. – Yeah, I can imagine. – It’s a silly thing, and they have terrible barbecue down there. I’m just gonna say that out loud.


– And Chuck, I gotta say, you know, you’re coming about the Jeeps. You have a pile of amazing Jeeps and a pile of amazing iron. The new JL is definitely not gonna ruin you, but don’t ever put bigger than 37s on it. You can wheel every trail in the entire country on 37s. Bigger than that is a waste of your time and your money. – What about the Patagonias? How about those good tires? – Don’t put Patagonias on it. – Oh, great, because you didn’t see my text message. I said, buy me a set, we’re throwing it on there next week. – Patagonias? – 100%. – No.


(laughing) – I’m doing it because I wanna prove a point. – Patagonias on a fucking lightweight rig or fine.


– They’re not a horrible tire, but they’re a horrible tire. So I just, I won’t sell them through my shop. – Greg, I’m paying for it. Shut up. – If you asked me to put on some rough country stuff, I’d tell you the same thing. It’s a no, I will not buy it or install it at my shop.


– Greg. – No, I won’t. – Greg said no. – That’s right. – You said your money’s no good here. (indistinct) – When I was like, hey, let’s have some headsies. And she was like, no, I got rid of her. And now I have a different girlfriend. Don’t do that to me, Greg. – No, I love you dearly, but I won’t. I told my shop and my name to standards, I will not install those tires.


(laughing) – Yeah, but Greg also said he didn’t like adjustable shocks.


– No, I do like adjustable shocks. I don’t like coil overs. – So, and even coil overs have their place if you’re racing, but they’re not, they have no place in a street driven, you know, a vehicle they can drive on the street. – I don’t know that I have enough beer to find you tonight. – You do. – I know. – I guarantee it. – You should say that, though, Greg. Those coil overs are pretty nice. – No, coil overs are amazing.


– Well, Janet, coil overs are amazing. They’re just, they don’t have a- – Greg, shut up, Greg. – No, not shut up. They have no purpose on a street driven rig.


– Janet, he’s got 42 inch trepidors. It’s not really a street driven rig. – Yeah, he’s not a big head. – So that’s not a street driven rig. – In the neighborhood. – Right, no, I’m saying something that you drive 80% or more on the street, there’s no reason for coil overs or 42s. If it’s a toy that’s 80% off road, yeah, go for it. Enjoy every second of it. Because if it’s set up right, coil overs and big tires are amazing. But it’s just not something that you should have on a street driven rig. Because if you have a failure, you’re stuck. – But what if I want to run 60 to 80 miles an hour over street bumps?


Middle finger in the air, good rock- – And just have a good set of adjustable shocks. You don’t need coil overs for that.


(laughing) – I did that.


– He needed a trophy truck, not a Jeep. – Now for a speed bump, why don’t you do a set of tire pressure at the right speed and you can hit speed bumps at any speed.


– Oh dude, you don’t air down in the mall parking lot?


– You know I don’t air down in the mall parking lot.


(laughing) – Kevin took on Bronco buster, a 30 PSI. That’s all over the place. – He looks like he was riding the Bronco.


– Man, that wasn’t good. – I made it.


– I like Channing. – You guys got the- – You’re saying you like Channing’s, Adam? – No, let me talk some more. – Go for it. – Yeah, I’m saying, shut the fuck up Cunts and let fucking Janet talk.


– Is that what you’re saying Chuck?


– Give it a try Janet.


– Yeah, I mean, I don’t know what else to say. I’m giving my upgrades. Y’all saw me wheel in Hinton Falls. So next year at Hinton Falls, you’ll see the upgrades and see what I can do with that. I think I outgrew it. 35 ain’t nothing. I was so excited when I first got him. I look at my rig now and I’m like, ooh, too little.


– Was Hinton Falls adventurous enough for you?


Was Hinton Falls adventurous enough? Was it challenging enough for you? – Oh yeah, absolutely. There’s still a lot of technical stuff I need to learn. I’ve only been wheeling a year, but I think going to S’more earlier this year and doing Hinton Falls, I was just like, yeah, I’ve outgrown the rig itself. And since the plan wants to go to 37,


for the time being, buying clothes for your kids, you don’t buy it for the size they are, you buy it for the size they’re gonna grow into. And financially, it just made sense to go up to 40.


I think I’m partly surpassing a lot of people when I go from 35 to 40, I could gradually go up to 37, but that’s not how I do things, as evidence on the waterfall. – What axles are you running on your Jeep?


– So I had the front axle, the crazy D44, with lockers and then I have chromoly all around.


– I can’t remember. It seems like the 40s are a little large for the Dana 44s, but I haven’t looked at it, but just remembering some people, what some people have said.


– It depends on your real, I will say on my 30s, hot springs,


I’ve bent the flanges on my rear go volleys with 37s at hot springs.


– My rig is fully set up to go to 40s, except for the long arms. So we’re just a little bit, just to get me that clearance and six-step geometry, and then we’re gonna go to town. – How many times a year, how many times a year do you go wheeling? – Well, I’ve only been wheeling a year. So let’s see, I’ve bent the hot spring splice, hidden fall splice, and s’more, and then I’m going to Colorado with Dubbo next month. So I’m trying to get in as many, before it gets too hot, I’m trying to get in as many– – So once a month.


– Basically. – I mean, you’re wheeling once a month. That’s a significant amount of wheeling, right? And a lot of people don’t take that algorithm out of it, so like, I have a hard time talking to people that go wheel, they go wheeling once or twice a year, and they’re like, “Yeah, you don’t fucking wheel.” But if you’re going every month hard,


like absolutely fucking hit that shit to the fucking max. – Yeah, I don’t think– – Are you a– – Yeah. – Are you trying to run fucking 40s? – No, I’m driving– – John’s a fucking– – Sir. – Riverknob. – Don’t listen to John. – So if you’re gonna talk to Colorado, the one thing that I will tell you that always got me every time I’m driven up there is down switching to third speed, third gear, and hammering it just to get a monocarousel on the way.


It wasn’t really the wheeling, it was the main roads when you’re driving up there.


The thing we don’t have in Texas, especially in Dallas, at least in Austin, we have a little bit of incline, but I grew up in Dallas, that’s just fucking flat. And in Dallas, you don’t have those inclines. And I know Platt will set you up or whatever, but those inclines are what always got me on the way to Colorado when I drove my rig. You train on a different sort of driving it, but I would watch Bill and the other ones just fucking sail away. And I’m like, “I’ll catch you eventually.”


I’m a driver, and I’m trying to go 40 miles an hour. I’ll catch you eventually. John’s afraid to go sideways though. So don’t listen to John.


I don’t like to break my shit. Yeah, you’re right. That’s why I put a 10×60 in the program front, because I don’t want to break my shit.




But I think the trails that I was talking about in Colorado, those Chatham and Gulch is going to be a lot of fun. Like that’s on my list. I’ve been watching that one. I know you’re not going to feel off of the carnage, can you? Which is probably a smart move, because that’s a body-down show. But Chatham and Gulch looks like a lot of fun. I’ve been watching the videos on that. That looks like a lot of fun.


Yeah, well, we’re at Hidden Falls in the cabin. We were just watching YouTube videos of all the trails and just kind of flying it out. I’m throwing my spare on his trailer, and I’m just going to drive it out there. I went to Colorado last year, but just for a fun trip staying in a cabin, I drove the Jeep up there. I was on my 35, so I’m excited to get people up straight and get out there and see what we can do. The best part about going up there is if you go up there in July, August, December, whatever, you leave 110,


and you go into hides and a lot of stuff.


Absolutely. I’m off to break out my hoodies and wet pants again.


I’m excited. You do. I’m looking for you.


One of the things that I’ve always talked about, and maybe not in the show, that if you know that you can do a seven, eight, or nine trail,


what I would do is, and I’ve learned over the longevity of wheeling, is I would back down to the five, six, or seven trails, and I’d hit the super hard lines and get myself stuck on purpose


so I can self-recover on an easy trail that I know that I can get through if I didn’t put myself into a bad position. And I would learn, like, all right, if I’m by myself and I know that I can do through a five, six, or seven, and if I made it harder and I had to self-recover, now I know I can do an eight and under 10. Does that make sense? So I always made myself, like, I would work up my way to keeping, and then I would degradate down to, all right, I’m by myself. I’m fucking wheeling this rudimentary trail, but I would lock myself into a place where it’s like, okay, I now need to get out.


And I would recommend him and Jeeper to do this where you’re like, okay, I know I can Jeep this with my friends. How can I Jeep this by myself? And then you find yourself, I talked to my buddy, Matt, that we brought in the Jeep 20-something years ago in the Rubicon. He’s like, it’s a joke anymore because they know that they can do it and self-recover and make it, and the Rubicon is a pretty fucking hard trail. So I would always recommend going past your point and then backing up and then putting yourself into a point where you have to winch. You have to do this stuff.


I don’t know. – So degradate rudimentary, I mean, how many fucking words are you trying to put in the instance? – Where are the day toilet paper?


– Why? – I don’t even know if he knows what they mean.


(laughing) – I hate you, John. I’m literally just trying to say something nice to me. – I like that. – I’m literally trying to say something nice. – I like that. It’s a good idea because if you’re always making it with a time that you do get stuck, you may not know how to use the recovery equipment or this working through it so that you could recover yourself a lot quicker and maybe without hurting you or the Jeep.


– I literally did that yesterday with the Gladiator. I know that I can make it to the top of Coyote and Coyote is just a hill on my property. And Wayne was with me and he looked at me, he’s like, “Why are you doing this?” And I was like, “Cause I wanna make sure that with this Jeep, I know it can do it, but I wanna make sure that if I have to self-recover, I can do it.” And you go up and you go down. And we did it a bunch of times and you learn your Jeep’s capabilities, right? So you always push it with your friends like my dad’s Jeep with Bill, you push it with your friends and then now I know that I can go back and then do some self-recovery in the past tense. You know, I don’t know if that’s making any sense. But you go up with your buddies and then you fucking bring it back down by yourself. And that’s what makes that amazing Jeepers. – Yeah, what you’re saying makes perfect sense and it’s phenomenal. I mean, really, really good advice. The only thing I would say is I wouldn’t recommend that to somebody on 44s and 40s, because it’s a ticking time bomb and they better know how to fix their own stuff.


– Right.


– Problem solving is a life skill. If you get yourself into a problem, figuring out how to solve it is a life skill, whether it’s wheeling or anything else in life. – So when I started out last year, I relied mainly on my spotters just to kind of look at the lines and tell me where to go. And I’m a very technical person. I work in IT, so I can see the lines. And I think these last couple of trips, it was really important for me to say,


don’t yell at me or don’t tell me where to go unless I’m about to flip or I’m about to bust a sidewall. Let me try to figure this out. And it was a lot of, okay, we try to go up this way, that it weren’t trying to do it this way. And I think a lot of, and speaking as a female deeper, a lot of girls get intimidated going into it because they feel like they don’t have the ability to do that. And it’s very empowering just to be able to do that. – Well, I’m gonna tell you right now, like I’ve never been, I’ve never received, and I’ve been a Deep Talk show host for a while, and I’ve never received that all you have to do is listen to the spotter. I don’t believe in that at all. And I do not believe that a woman somehow was less capable of turning a steering wheel versus a man. My mother taught me how to Jeep. And she’s 70 years old and she still can get in the CJ5 and fucking wheel with Larry and I did because she understands the Jeep. So I do not believe that all you have to do is stand on the steering wheel and say, left or right or left or right, get fucked. – Right, right. – Take that fucking cunt out of there, leave and let me fucking learn my rig. And it doesn’t matter if you’ve got a dick or a vagina. I’ve never reached that at all. – A lot of these girl groups, there’s a lot of these, and obviously I don’t believe it either because I’m gonna get out there and kick ass. So a lot of these girl groups, you have a lot of girls that are intimidated, they see it as a male dominated hobby. And I’m like, no, try to get out there and do it. They see it that way. – Back in the 70s and 80s, the women fucking wheeled just like the guys.


I think it’s a whole different thing. I will fucking defend all day long Jeepin. I do not think it’s a fucking male dominated thing. I think that the cunt husbands don’t let the fucking wives run. – That’s a husband thing. That’s not a fucking jeeping thing.


I’m raised by a woman that jeep and I fucking furlough 100% follow her. – Maybe not drop the seaward as much. That would probably help. – Oh, shut up, John.


– Every motorsport is male dominated. However, if you look like, if you compare drag racing, a lot of these smart men in drag racing are putting their daughters in cars because one, they listen better and two, they’re 150 pounds less than most of us. – You can look at Leroy Philson. Leroy Philson was one of my best friends in the 90s. And he put his wife into the world’s fastest 58 Chevy Impala. You know why Leroy did it? Because she had a better tree response and she was beating his time. And it’s the world’s fastest 58 Chevy. This is the guy that I grew up with on an eight mile fucking track. Women are better wheelers than men all day long. – Well, they listen better than we do. – Yeah, I never believe that guys are the guys.


– Well, like I always say, the round table, the zoom meeting goes on and on. And my goodness, sometimes it gets very active like it did tonight. I don’t know about you guys, but at times, I couldn’t really understand what was going on. It was so active. I like it because everybody wants to talk. Everybody wants to pitch in and say what they want to say. And sometimes I know it’s sometimes some of the stuff isn’t worth saying because they’re picking on somebody else, but it’s just fun. And you could be here with us and having the fun and continue on with the zoom meeting after we stop the recording because we try to keep it around an hour.


And it can go on for several hours. You don’t know what you’re missing. You can join the zoom room every Tuesday, 7.30 PM central time. That’s when what I call the pre-party starts. 8 PM central time is whenever we start recording the show. And then by 9 PM, it’s wrapping up, at least for the recorded bit. So you can get notifications of our zoom meeting by signing up to our newsletter. Just go to jupetalkshow.com slash contact. And you will see all the ways to contact us, what to sign up for, get on our Discord server.


Just, you know, everything is right there. Everything you need to know.


All right, coming up on our next Jeep Talk Show interview episode, Adam with Jeepin the Saloon. Just go over to Facebook and search for their page Jeepin. No G, Jeepin, at least no ending G, the saloon. And they’re having a really good event. So to the Jeep Talk Show, get more information about this big Jeep event coming up on August 1st through August 4th at ToledoJeepFest.com. Remember to support the companies that support the show you love, the Jeep Talk Show.


And that brings us to the end of another exhilarating Jeep Talk Show round table episode. I wanna express my deepest gratitude to our incredible panel of Jeep enthusiasts and Chuck for sharing their valuable insights and experiences and expertise with us today.


So until next time, keep those Jeeps running strong, hit those trails with confidence and yeah, sorry, I lost my place.


Until next time, keep those Jeeps running strong, hit those trails with confidence. And remember, it’s not just a vehicle, it’s a way of life. This has been Tony hosting the Jeep Talk Show round table episode and we’ll catch you on the next ride.


– Broadcasting since 2010. (dramatic music) – You’re my friend, you’re my new friend. (chuckles)