
Jeep Talk Show

A Show About Jeeps!

Busy Jeep Weekend

In this episode of Jeep Talk Show Chic Chat, Natalie and Janet share stories from their action-packed Jeep weekend and much more. Discover how women view Jeeps and off-roading, as they discuss the sport’s inclusivity for all genders. Tune in for insights, adventures, and inspiration from a female perspective on Jeep life!

You know, right.

I’m like, are you going to shift? But it was totally fine. Yeah. No. So which, you know, I mean, I can only really go about 65, which was about that’s pushing it anyway on New Year’s. Right. Yeah. So you have to have that 500 mile break in period. You don’t want to wheel it. You don’t want to go too hard, especially on the highway. And then you do a fluid change and have everything inspected. And then you are ready to go at that point. So we are so close. So, yeah, it’s a really great experience. There’s a vendor row. Summit Racing was there. So I thought that was kind of cool.

I love Summit Racing.

Yeah. So it was really neat. There’s just some great, you know, Riley’s like you can’t, I mean, they had such a wide variety of vendors. Yeah, that’s cool. So, you know, it was really neat. And this club, they I’m really, I was proud to be with them because if you are new to this, it is the club in the area to get involved in because they’re not just a club, it’s a community. There’s over 300 members, my understanding. Oh, wow. Okay. The board is fantastic. And it’s a great mix of men and women and partnerships and spouses and kids are all involved and that’s awesome. Great. Yeah, it’s a great family friendly atmosphere. And wow. I mean, this event’s all volunteer and they, they killed it. It’s two days and so good. So I wasn’t able to feel for two days. Got, you know, a little sunburn. I thought I was tan and then I took a shower. Nope. It was just dust. So here we are. We still shower guys, except for the hair. But, you know, it was so worth it. And, you know, I use the Jeep as actually a teaching tool to talk about sway bars because it was very basic. So we got you from when you arrive at the trailhead, what are the first two things you do air down and disconnect. So we talked about that and being able to actually show what a sway bar looks like to a person that’s maybe never even thought to look under their Jeep. I know I never did until.

Or what is a sway bar? And what is it?

What is a sway bar? Right. What do you do? What is a track bar? What does it do? So, unfortunately, doing what we do as a new and I Janet, we could fall down rabbit holes with these now. So I have to control myself from going way too far and like having to look at my watch like, oh, we’re already two hours deep. Sorry, everybody. I was supposed to only be 10 minutes, but, you know, we’re so passionate about what we get to do. So it was fun. But it was it was neat. And I got to ride with a couple of guests as well. They had like, oh, you just want to hop in. I was like, yes. And so I got to go to the course with them. That’s fun. Yeah. And, you know, talk to them through the obstacle from inside the vehicle. So it was a it was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed it.

What about you?

Give me the clip notes version.

Oh, gosh, we are really going to dive in. So this past weekend I spent in Hot Springs, Arkansas, the off-road park there with the Outlaws Jeeps Texas group. They had about a good.

Like Jesse James and the gang, you know, like the gang.

And that’s I think that’s ready to go. That’s our logo. It’s like the little bearded, you know, are the the handkerchief. I’m terrible. I’m like the handkerchief.

You were the outlaw.

It’s like an outlaw. I love it. Exactly. They had about the best. I know. I love them. I love them. And I I love Hot Springs Off-Road Park. If anybody ever gets a chance to go there, it is. That’s where I started. That was my very first wheeling trip. It’s like going home when you get to go. I know. And so, you know, when I started wheeling, she was on 35s, a three and a half inch lift,


stock axle, stock gear, like everything was just stock, you know, beyond that. But it was super capable, wasn’t it? It was absolutely capable. I thought, you know, the badges and I did some obstacles that I thought I was never going to do. I still had my fender flares and I’m surprised I didn’t rip them off. You know, the stock ones. Did you ever rip them off?


I know not on a trail. I ripped them off in my garage. Did you really?

But you know what? Facebook Marketplace. Amazing. People are giving them away on there. I still have mine listed right now for free. Like you guys rip them off. Just get them out. Yep. Yeah. Please, please, please. I’ll just ship it or just come get it. Like one of the exactly exactly.

So I think they had about 12, 13, 14 Jeep show up. Most of them are gladiators. Wow. Oh, I know. I know. You know, I know. Tony and the Jeep talk to a regulator.

Here we go.

He was. I talked to him about it before the show and he was like, yes.


left the chicken chat and we had to get that replaced. The computer left. The computer left and went that way. So after that, we went with the Affusion, DragLink, Affusion, Tyrod and some TeraFlex Muggles. Oh boy. And she handled her business this weekend. I was so happy with the way she performed.


I am, other than my breaks, I think I’m done with her upgrades for a while because she

just– That’s good, enjoy it now, right? Just go wheel it, drive it, enjoy it.


Absolutely, she did great. And so after I did that huge obstacle, number one, I wasn’t gonna risk trying to break her on something else.

Well, and if you were done up here, that is one of the, I think the biggest risks that we don’t recognize in ourselves. We don’t take the time to actually think, okay, can I actually keep, it’s okay to be like, you know what, mentally I just can’t do any more. And it’s okay to be a passenger.

Well, and isn’t that what happened to you when you flipped or when you rolled?

I should have said to someone, you know what, I wanna keep going today, but can we just park me somewhere and I wanna keep enjoying the day with you, but mentally I’m just, I’m done. And, but there’s so much adrenaline pumping. You don’t have time to really think about yourself sometimes and when you’re in a group too. And it is okay, as I was telling, actually the guest this weekend, I was like, if you’re in trouble, honk your horn. Well, it’s okay to honk your horn. Yeah, absolutely. You can like, spiritually or mentally, because it’s just, why create a bad experience for yourself? Cause you only, you know what you can do sometimes. So I think that’s so amazing that you even did that because I think a lot of people would feel that pressure of a group without even the group applying the pressure, but just, well, I wanna keep going. I drove all this way or, you know, I wanna keep going and accomplish all these things. And, but what if you would have kept going and then what?

Yeah, and you get, I think also with experienced wheelers, you can also get a false sense of security with, I just did this giant obstacle so I can do anything. And then you go and do something stupid and break something. So it was better to just go back to camp, leave prayer, jump in somebody else’s Jeep and just enjoy being a passenger problem. I don’t call myself a passenger princess, I’m a passenger problem.


Not a passenger princess, passenger problem.

Yes, yes, we own our issues here at Chick-Cha. We own them.

This is the therapy happens everybody. Exactly, exactly. Woman, man, this is the therapy session on Monday.

Right, come and have a seat, lay down on the couch. Let’s talk.

You will have a cat from somewhere, either in Houston or Ohio, one of those.

An emotional support cat, yes.

Oh wait, you’re not in Houston, are you?

You’re in the Dallas area.

I’m in Dallas.

I’m so sorry, oh gosh. It’s okay. Look, because Tony’s dogs show up every now and then. Oh, that’s true. The Houston dogs, yeah.


We’re very pet friendly on the Jeep Talk Show.

We are, we are. So get your bingo cards out to see how many animals are gonna show up during our show.

We really should make one. I think we need to do that. Stay tuned guys. Yes, post on the Chick-Chat channel.

We will, we will. There was a lot of carnage on this trip and there was somebody that went mutting, it wasn’t a gladdy, somebody went mutting and was doing just the red limiter on their RPMs and their timing got off. So they had to be trailer back home.


Somebody else who also went mutting, their alternator was coded. And for those that don’t know, when you go mutting, it looks fun. And if you like it, you like it. But only if you’re gonna be responsible with it. And Natalie, you talked about this. We have talked about this. Great, the calipers, the mud coded the alternator. And sure enough, we went out on our night trail, the night run, doing some night wheeling. I was behind her and she yelled out to her husband, I have all these lights on my dashboard, what’s happening? Oh, Christmas tree.


Her alternator went out. So we’re on a trail at 9.30 at night thinking, we were almost at the end. Oh God. We maybe had two minutes to go before we got back to camp. Yeah. At that point, her husband ran and got a battery from another Jeep, brought it back on his side by side. We’re in the middle of a trail, obviously no lights, right? She couldn’t have her lights on. I turned off Charlie, cause I’m not gonna let her run.


You start hearing all these animals.

Oh yeah.

What? I’m like, what is that? What is that? So I did my best to keep her company cause she was pretty devastated. Kept her company, kept her laughing. They brought the battery back, switched it out. And so the thing is she still had one more good climb to do. And if she was going to slow down or stop, her Jeep may not have started again. And she maybe had like one good start left in it. So she gunned it the entire rest of the way. And she was just balls to the wall down this trail. She was like, I was not gonna stop. And you just see these tail lights just bouncing all the way.


That gladiator, there’s the hitch skid plate system on there from Nemesis probably.

Probably, right?

Who knows what she was dragging on.


I know. So it was fun. Somebody else had problems with their steering, but I think that was an installation issue by the op that they used. I think that’s what we figured out, but even have to be tailored home. So yes, things can happen, but I will tell you Natalie, like I haven’t been wheeling in a minute. Like I went to Colorado.

Yeah, it’s been a minute.

It’s been a minute. Colorado, I think was your last one, right? Yeah, and it was a couple months ago. So going back on this trail and I was thinking about you cause I knew you were doing your one-on-one this weekend.


Some things that I think we’ve forgotten to talk about with new wheelers, new people in the game. And I wrote them down because it’s something that we experienced this weekend. And I was like, oh, we haven’t talked about that yet. Making notes for Chick-Chad.

I love this so much. Oh my gosh, your notebook. Can we publish that because you take great time.

I know, right? We can make it a book. We can make it a book. So there was a story about, and I think we both know this, but we forget to tell people about it. When you’re going on an off-road trail,


number one, you don’t wanna hold the steering wheel tight.


Your steering wheel, your steering wheel is gonna do this. You just wanna guide it, don’t fight it, guide it, don’t fight it. And when you’re holding the steering wheel, keep your thumbs on the outside.


Absolutely, I love where your thought process is right now.


Because what happens, Natalie, if your thumbs are on the outside?

That could jerk and break a thumb. I saw it happen in San Hollow. It dislocated his thumb so hard. And I mean, that steering wheel just jerked and he wasn’t ready for it and didn’t even think about where his hands were. And I watched the thumb just break, and I was like, oh, yes, it happened.


Yeah, I thought about that while I was out there, because I’ve taught my daughter, just let, just guide it and just hold it from the outside or you’re holding it from the top.


And when you hit a rock on the trail, it will send your steering wheel right or left. And you will leave with your steering wheel crooked sometimes. Charlie’s is crooked coming home and pissed off the traction control, but we’re gonna get it fixed. Oh yeah. That just means you did something good.

Get the wrenches out.

The re, yeah, exactly.

Get the wrench out, start turning it.

Yes, so when you’re driving on a trail, keep your thumbs on the outside of the steering wheel, because if it jerks it enough, it can break your arm. It can break, like it’ll cause all kinds of, and then it’s gonna ruin your trip. Don’t ruin that in your trip.

It may ruin maybe somebody else’s, let’s be honest.



Exactly, because then you have to hop. No, no, that’s such a good one. Yeah, and on that same note, keep your hands and arms inside the vehicle at all times.

No, chicken wings, chicken wings sticking out. We don’t do that, no.

I’m guilty of it, and you’ll see my, and I’m guilty of it sometimes, and I’ll remember and pull it back in. Well, also because I’m super, I’m five four, and in a Jeep, the Jeep window comes up to here to me. It does, it does. And even with the seat jacked all the way up, I can’t see out, so I try to put my arm up to gain leverage to look up and over. Right, because then you’re balancing up on top, yes. And that is such a bad habit. Like I, we should not be doing that, and I have, I just changed my profile picture on Facebook, and I have my arm hanging out like this, because I’m trying to look behind me. So, do as I say, not as I do. Not as I do.



But yes, and the reason– It’s really true, the chicken wing, it’s very true, because you just don’t know, it can all happen so fast, and when we get nervous or excited, the body, your muscles tense up, and so your muscle could freeze with it chicken wing, which this view is so, God, YouTube is so good, guys. This is a good one for YouTube. We are really, you know

what we’re talking about with chicken wing.



Jeep Talk Show on YouTube, check it out. Yes.


So, yeah, it’s amazing. You did our makeup today.


So it is amazing what can happen, and that fast.

So, whether it’s you’re on a trail that has high walls, you know, you’re dug out in a gorge, and you don’t see a boulder coming, or you forgot it was there, and it can just tip you over. If you’re hanging out, it can, again, break your arm, do a lot of damage. If you’re close to tipping,


some people like to hold the outside, that’s also a bad habit. That’s a bad habit.

I was so happy when I did my flop.


My initial reaction was to grip the steering wheel, and like, click really tight, but a lot of people, you wanna stick your hand, wait, which way, this way, your hand out the window, and try to catch yourself, essentially. Yes. You’re not gonna catch, you know, thousands of pounds, dead falling, or, you know, up against a tree, or something like that. So, all hands and feet and heads inside the vehicle. Inside the vehicle, all times, at all times. You know, that’s a great segue, actually, because I learned something this weekend, I thought about, was about, when I was talking about spotting, one of the muddy buddy guides made a great point about having your radio turned down. So, radio down, windows down. Yes. As, like, a newbie, because there was a lot of people, especially on the obstacle course, they had their radios up really loud, just, you know, jamming, the weather was beautiful, clearly sunburned over here, guys. But, you have to still be able to hear your spotter, and we had spotters on every obstacle, and so, I think, you know, that was such a great phrase, about windows down, radios down, so you can actually hear and focus.


Loud music’s great when you’re, you know, going on those logging roads, I think, you know, to get to your next trail, that’s how windrocking, especially, but, that’s where we need to meet. That’s where we’re gonna– We do.

I’ve been talking to Zabo about doing a windrock trip, and he was like, “Wait, where’s Natalie?” And he was talking about you, and he was like, “She can meet us out there, “’cause I think he wants to meet you, so–”

I need some windrock redemption anyway, so, we gotta do it, there it is, guys. The Jeep Talk Show invades windrock. Tony, I know you’re listening. Yes. We’ll see what we can do.

We’re gonna make it happen, we’re gonna make it happen. Absolutely.

So, yeah, windows down, radio down, another great little key tidbit on our little, thank you, Wendy, for the newbie nugget. I think this is kind of like a Wendy’s newbie nugget. We owe it to her, so thank you, Wendy.


Here comes our rabbit hole. We’re so passionate, I think, both of us, about teaching women how to do this, and even if you’re a passenger, you’re going with brother, husband, partner, whatever it may be, and you’re in a passenger seat.


We talked about, I had a gladi passing me, and this was her first time being a passenger, and I saw that she had her seat belt on, and she was kind of pressed back in the seat, and I was like, “Can I give you a tip?” Just, if you’re open to it, let me tell you a couple nuggets.


That shoulder strap for us women that may be blessed in the upper upstairs area,


when you’re going down a trail, that seat belt will lock.



It’ll lock, and it’s uncomfortable. It is, it can’t, yes. So, push the shoulder strap behind you. Always wear your seat belt when you’re wheeling. Always the last belt. Always, always, if you’re a passenger, always wear your seat belt. Keep the lap belt on, and that’s gonna help you, because this shoulder strap, what I always recommend, if anybody that’s written a horse, but even if you haven’t, I’m sure you wrote a pony when you’re little. At some point, you’ve been on a horse at some point.


When you ride a horse, you let your hips do all the work. You lean forward, and you just let the hips absorb everything. You have to go to YouTube to see these visuals.

This episode is so good.

Yes, and the Jeeps have a bar.


The Jeeps have a bar on the passenger side for a reason. Hold onto that bar loosely, and just let your hips absorb those bumps, and all that stuff. Your back will love you for it, and thank you for it.

Don’t fight it, just roll with it.

Ooh, just roll, ooh, I like that. So, when you were talking about spotting, that triggered something, and then I went off another side.

We’re riding horses at one point, so it’s okay.

Yeah, we’re talking about riding horses, we’re talking about animals.


We, in the spotting world and in the jeeping world, we don’t say right or left, right, when you’re spotting, and there’s a reason for it. Can you elaborate on that?

Yes, so, because everyone’s left and right is different, because if your spotter’s looking at you, it’s like being on stage right versus the audience right, correct? So, passenger driver is universal, no matter where you are. Maybe you’re behind the vehicle, and you’re trying to spot them from behind, because maybe you’re in that vehicle right behind them, and you’re on the radio, and you can see something that they can’t. It’s like, Janet, you didn’t know your wheels were off the ground at one point, because, oh, right, you’re driving.


So, even today, I actually got to do the trail ride with the 101 experience,


instead of just watching everyone leave from the classroom. So, I got to hop in, and I was in the lead vehicle, and a two-door was behind us, and we were kind of doing these like, top seat, herbie, terrain going back and forth like this, but she was a little, she was definitely a too hard passenger,


and so, we could see things that she couldn’t, because we were in front of her, but looking back, and the gentleman, Randy, who was driving with muddy buddies, instantly was able to yell, turn driver, and she knew exactly what that meant, instinctively to turn, of course, to her left,


but if we were looking at her, it would have been to the right. So, being able to use those terms so quickly, because you only have milliseconds, if that’s the right word, to react when, taking that responsibility, that’s something Matt and I talked about with the guests this weekend, there’s such a responsibility of this investment that these people have,


and to be able to have that, and respect that, it’s a big undertaking, so we want to get it right, 99.9% of the time, but no one’s perfect.

Pretty close.


So, when your spotter tells you, and you’re probably seeing me backwards, but when your driver tells you to turn driver, it is towards you, right? So, you’re on the left side of the vehicle, so you’re turning that way. If they tell you to turn passenger, it is towards your passenger seat, and there is the memes out there, that turn driver, turn driver, and everybody always turns passenger, they’re like, “No, you’re other driver.”


Go that way, or they do a lot of hand signals, it’s this, and this.

Which do you prefer? Do you prefer the hand signal? Do you prefer the verbal? Which one is it?

Both, because if I’m looking out my window, I can listen, but the chance that I’m gonna glance up, I’ll notice the hand signals. And I think in the moment, especially when you’re doing bigger obstacles, your adrenaline’s going, and I think you need as much input as possible from your spotter, so I prefer both.


I think that also helped me this weekend as well.

It does, someone that is clear and concise, and one person.

One person talking.

That’s the key, one person.

An experienced person talking.

Yes, and also the person that you trust, so that’s something, ladies and gents, when you guys start going, especially like other groups, or you start finding your niche,


you will start gravitating to certain people that you listen to better, or you just understand their way of spotting so much better. And that’s okay, no one will ever be offended. I know there was always a certain person that when I first got started, I always asked for, Alan was always my guy. I always did my best, my newbie rides with him, because I just, for some reason, I understood him so much better than everybody else.

Yeah, and you’ll find that person, and they talk about something, and I’m trying to bring up terms that maybe new people wouldn’t, they don’t get it. So we talk about tire sizes a lot, right? 40s, 37s, 35s, that was a reference to how many inches? And there’s a true 40 and a whatever. That’s a rabbit hole we’ll get into on another show.

Another rabbit hole, but I get it. Another rabbit hole.

So they’ll also talk about seeing the lines. And so if you’ve ever driven a dirt bike on trails, or been off-roading, you see lines, and it means where your tires are gonna go.


So to keep you safe and get you over the obstacle. So that’s what your spotter is doing. They’re spotting the line of where your tires need to come, because those hoods are hard to see over. You’re trying to look out your window. You don’t know what’s going on on the right side. You’re short like me, you can’t barely see out the window.

You can’t, you’re just kind of like looking out over, like your chin’s just resting on the door. Exactly.


And you may see the lines as you’re approaching your obstacle, but once you get in the moment, sometimes you forget, you slip or you kind of veer off, you really need your help, somebody’s help. So they can see the lines of where your tires need to go to keep you on the path that you need to go to get over the obstacles. So you’ll hear us talking about that, and that’s what we’re referencing. We try not, we not only are experienced, I say experienced, I’ve only been out eight times, but I’m doing pretty big stuff. You are doing good stuff.


When we talk about this, we’re trying to educate people that haven’t been out there and are trying to get out there, and so you’ll be better informed and better prepared when you go out and you start hearing these terms, you’re like, “Ooh, I heard that on the Jeep Talk Show,” and then tell people to watch Chick Chat, so definitely thinking of this.


So, and don’t forget to put gas in your Jeep.

Oh my gosh, full tank, everybody, full tank. That happens more often than not. I’ll get ready to start a trail ride, and I’ll double check, does everyone have a full tank of gas? And it always never fails, one or two. You know, I don’t actually, because you drive in, right? You’re the most, I’m gonna say, I’m just throwing this percentage. I think it’s 98% of our easy medium groups, we’ll just call them easy medium groups. It is a daily driver, and it’s what they will drive it there and drive it home, and you get so excited on your way into town, and a lot of times, where these parks are and trail heads, it’s very limited services, so always, always stop, guys. You gotta have that full tank of gas.

And even if you’re trailering in, while you’re stopping to put gas in your main, your tow pig, don’t forget about the vehicle on the back.

Yes, oh, tow pig, I like that. There has been many times I have, literally, the diesel pump going, and the regular pump going. And I’m just been looking at it, I’m like, oh my gosh.

The numbers are just flipping.

Do I fly, am I proud, all of it? I’m not sure. Right, right, it does cost one. I want to put the depth in there, too, so we’re just, I’m checking every box.

Yes, and what people don’t realize, when you go on a trail, it doesn’t use a whole lot of gas, because there’s a lot of stopping and idling, and you turn off your Jeep, but if you’re gonna go on an incline or a decline, and you only have a quarter of a tank of gas, your engine will stop.


Yes, it will. The sensor’s not reading it, you only have this much, so don’t forget to put gas in your Jeep. And then, my last thing that I wrote down, and this one’s funny, and I try not to talk about this too much, because I think it’s a given, but we have to use the facilities on the trail, but there are no facilities, right?

We need the bathroom segment, and I think in every Chick-Chad episode, because it definitely comes out, but it’s real life, guys.

This happens. It’s real life. So, for men, it’s easy, I mean, you got the equipment. For women, we need some kind of support. I saw some women with scrapes on their elbows from when they fell, because it was slippery. So we tend to, I know I do, when you have a lot, and it’s awful, right? You’re in a line, and you got Jeeps with big bumpers. You can sometimes use that for leverage.


I’ve held them on the floor.

Let’s not for– Full disclose. I’ve grabbed that toe hook in the front. Yes. Sorry, Michael Bailey, that you’re hearing this, but yes. It might’ve been on Big Twin recently, so.

Well, on these newer Jeeps,


on these newer Jeeps, and the J, you know,


the TJs, the Gladiators, they have cameras in the front. Oh my gosh, that’s right. Now. So, while we’re keeping everybody behind this Jeep,


I was chatting with somebody, and when her and I were just talking, I’m standing outside the passenger door, and they had their front camera on, and she had gone up there, and we’re like, “Yeah, we’re gonna keep everybody behind.” And I see something out of the corner of my eye, and I’m like, “Oh my gosh, you have a camera?” So, and people put GoPros on their Jeeps all the time, or they have cameras, you know, do the run and something. Just look around you, and just be aware. If you’re not, I mean, if you don’t care, you don’t care. But I’m just trying to pestle on some nuggets. So, those are my notes from this weekend.


No, I love those notes. Oh my gosh, and you know, this was my first 101 I got to teach in quite a long time, actually. It’s been about a year really getting back into the 101 game, and that’s actually my favorite. I really, really love it when I was teaching horseback riding lessons. I always wanted to start with the little ones, or adults that were just getting started


I know, so red has been really good right now.

I know.

So he has my heart.


So more rise to come and I think we might have a wind rock in our future, girl. 2025 is coming.


Because winter’s coming and she’s gonna go in the garage.

Exactly, yeah. It is. Exactly.

Well guys, it’s that time.

I know, it’s always at the same time.

I know, I know. Well, that’s it for this episode of Chick Chat, Ms. Janet. We hope you’ve been inspired by our stories, insights and tips we shared today. Remember there are no limits to what you can achieve when you embrace your passion and fearlessly chase your dreams. Gosh, man, I love that. I know. That inspires me every time we do it. I know. If you enjoyed this episode and you feel like you wanna chase your dreams, be sure to subscribe to the Jeep Talk Show so you’ll never miss an episode. And remember, embrace the thrill of the off-road, embody your own unique style and always keep pushing the boundaries of what you thought possible because anything is possible with dust and dirt in our hair.

That’s right, you can do it too. Bye everyone.


Broadcasting Sense 2010.


Oh, that was so good. I love it, I love it. I love hearing about your weekend.

Oh my gosh, your weekend was so amazing and the cat was fantastic. I will try to grab one.

I just couldn’t do it. Look, he’s like wants to be the main star tonight. I love it. While you were doing that last little piece, he jumped on my lap and scared me.


I was like, oh my God. Oh my gosh. He missed me, I was gone all weekend. So he- That’s true, that’s true. The moment I opened the garage door, I can hear him howling. So he is my love bug and he has missed me. So he’s right here just-

Oh, I love it. Hey, oh my gosh, hey, buddy. Just a baby.


You’re my friend, you’re my new friend.