
Jeep Talk Show

A Show About Jeeps!

Kris Gladiator Owner

“Get the inside scoop on one of the most thrilling tales of automotive endurance with Kris, the owner and driver of the 2022 Jeep Gladiator, which became an unwitting participant in a high-speed police chase. In an exclusive interview on the Jeep Talk Show, Kris recounts the heart-pounding moment when an SUV, fleeing from the law, smashed into his beloved Gladiator. Discover how this Jeep, known for its off-road capabilities, stood up against such an unexpected urban assault. Subscribe to the Jeep Talk Show for more adrenaline-pumping stories, expert insights, and all things Jeep. Don’t miss out on the adventure!”

Hi, I’m Tony and welcome to the Jeep talk show the talk show where we talk about all things Jeep from trail riding to overlanding and everything In between every Friday, we have an interview with a new and exciting guest Sometimes they have products you need for your Jeep underscore need and sometimes they just have a great story to share I think that this is a great story. It’s a cautionary story, but it’s a great story And nobody was injured at least the the gladiator owners were not injured So it makes it a great story So sit back grab a cold one and get ready for another great guest right here on the Jeep talk show Are you ready?


For the Jeep talk show with hoes Tony Josh Wendy and Chuck


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Ideal boys and girls it’s time for the Jeep talk show interview and tonight we’re gonna be talking with Chris Buckler Chris says he is pretty new to the Jeep life He bought their first Jeep two years ago been enjoying the outdoors the trails the community and all the friends We’ve met since truly heartbroken with what’s happened recently and the state of the Jeep now, so I don’t know that everybody knows this or not Chris, but you were recently what is it has it been a week or two weeks? Two weeks ago the accident happened on July 15th so a couple weeks, okay? So only two weeks ago you were involved in an altercation and for our YouTube viewers You can actually see the picture behind Chris and his background of his is that a maroon. What color would you call that?


The Jeep color is snazberry Yeah, I had people because I remember the snazberry came out because I have a 2021 Gladiator that it’s red and I remember people saying oh get that that dark red one, and I said you mean maroon


It’s a beautiful color I’ve seen one up close it is an absolutely beautiful color But if you’re if you really like red Jeeps that ain’t no stinking red so


So so in the intro here you say that You you got this Jeep, and I’m assuming you’re talking about the the snazberry gladiator just two years ago And it’s interesting that you I mean you seem to be embracing the Jeep life big time I mean correct me if I’m wrong, but you actually During this incident where you were struck by another vehicle on the highway, which we’ll get back to circle back to You were on your way home from a wheeling trip to California correct actually Baja Mexico. Oh wow, okay? So so you weren’t even using the California for a feeling you were just using it as a go-through


You know we we planned this trip to Baja, and then all as we think about is oh gosh the cartels Oh, man, the crazy Mexican roads. What’s gonna happen? We’re all worried and then come have a beautiful trip in Mexico Come back to California this is the day we’re on our way home and We literally just filled up gas and we’re getting on the road to head home and like within five ten minutes of Getting on the I-8


Oh my god, okay, so what year gladiator is this is it did you get it new or used yeah? We bought it brand new it’s a 2022 Jeep gladiator Rubicon the eco diesel model so


And and it looks like you made at least one modification What have you done to it so so far we’ve We’ve gotten a lift a metal cloak 3.5 game changer lift We still have the stock suspension We did upgrade to the mile star Patagonia 40 inch tires


Through a rack on there and 23010 and awnings


Best top Sunrider Those are the things that jumped out at me right away What’s us what size tires are on there the 40 inch from mile star Patagonia? So so is there any regearing of the the differentials or is it stop? Not yet, and like I still have the stock axles – I just kind of take it easy when I’m on you know the trails in say Moab or sand all over or there’s some Right deeper climbs or shelves to climb just take it easy I know that it’s put more wear and tear on those Dana 44s, but so far knock on wood wherever it is I haven’t had any issues with the axles if I had the money I could be upgrading them now, but


Don’t have the money. So I’m actually just putting Dana for stores right back on right down. I’m on Facebook marketplace that came right off another 22 G gladiator because a diesel So it’s just gonna be bolt on with these new axles and get it back on the road. So let me ask you this Most people don’t go directly to 40 inch tires What was your motivation to going and I’m assuming that over two years you went from stock tires to 40s or was there an in-between size? So funny story with that we picked it up from the lot drove it to our friends house That’s actually part of this caravan here That was in the group with us drove it to his house through 37s on it with no lift or anything and went down to Hurricane and did some did a weekend at sandal Scrape the heck out of everything underneath but had a good time wheeling and then we got home ordered to lift and The 37s I borrowed from him. I guess he’d say I didn’t write to some and then we ordered the Patagonia my the mile stars the 40 inch tires basically went with them honestly because I’m pretty new to wheel and Jeep in and the people I hang out with are more experienced and it’s what they were running and Picked mile star because the price point was pretty good. So that’s what we’ve gone with how does it drive with stock gears in the diffs and And I’m assuming you have a the eight-speed automatic not a not a standard It’s not bad, you know And I actually tow a trailer every now and then that’s a it’s a smaller trailer It’s like thirty five hundred pounds dry 4100 if I fill it with water and stuff, right? I mean it toes are great I’ve towed it to Oregon towed it down south to you know Moab and st George I’m actually towed it all the way back to California one trip just last year Pretty good, you know, it’s I would like to upgrade


But that diesel, you know, I was plenty of torque to pull. Oh, yeah, I didn’t think about that. That would make a difference wouldn’t it? But yeah, I definitely like it’s on my wish list to regear a Bigger wish list item would go to you know, Dana 60s or whatever But that’s pretty pricey probably out of my price range. So exactly when in the Exactly when did the the and I got to I got a feeling this is like the land of the lost Bitten by the bug in this case the Jeep bug that one of those big mosquitoes It was in land of the lost on Will Ferrell’s back. Yeah, you you got bit hard by the Jeep bug Yeah, yeah, that’s kind of a funny story growing up in high school My dad was a big Toyota guy like FJ 40 And I don’t know what year he had it was a mid to late 70s or early 80s Fj40 and I was like 16 just got my license and he’s like, you know I’ll either buy you a used car for around two grand or I’ll give you the FJ and Purchase whatever you want to Build it up. So I was like heck. Yeah, I want this FJ. Oh, that’s a nice way to start so I started wheeling and What’s funny as far as camping and stuff like that goes I grew up in the middle of the Sierras at like 6,000 feet little town 300 people with nothing around so I Grew up in the wilderness, even though I didn’t camp a whole lot. It was just my backyard So I wrote three wheelers motorcycles drove my Jeep And just had fun in there But I didn’t do any Jeep game for years and years and years And in 2020, unfortunately, my dad passed away And he had another FJ 40 a 77 FJ 40 And I got a little bit of money on that Jeep And we were honestly looking at buying a Dodge Charger because my wife and I like oh we want a charger but we went down to Moab with some friends and I took my up to a 40 down there and Wealed and we just caught the bug of wheeling and like my friend. He’s he has a big gladiator He is with our group and he’s like, hey, can I drive your FJ 40? I haven’t driven a old rig like this in years. I’m like sure I’ll drive you gladiator and I got I’m in a Cadillac, right? You know, I’m I’m getting beat up in my FJ with barely any suspension like a tractor bouncing around I’m getting his gladiator and it’s like a walk in the park. Oh, it’s so nice Yes, my wife and I looked at each other and we’re like, maybe we should buy a Jeep We’ll have a lot more fun. We’ll actually do things if we get a charger It’ll probably sit in the garage and we’ll drive it to and from work and that’s it Yeah, low and fast is fun Maneuverability is that’s a lot of fun. That’s where I came from was don’t you know driving fast and Like I always like to say somebody was gonna die. It wasn’t me because you know when you’re young unit you never die So I got into trucks and then into Jeep. So so now I think you just answered this question because I was gonna ask you why a Gladiator and not a Wrangler because I you know The there’s a lot of I don’t want to say hate but naysayers in the Jeep community that it’s it’s not a truck And it’s not a Jeep, you know No, I get it. It’s uh, I Think I bought it because I thought it would be a I kind of had a bug to try to get into more of Overlanding as you can see with my rooftop tent and rack and everything So my goal even though most of my friends were rock crawlers and stuff I wanted to build my rig where I was capable on the rocks but I also really had a goal to be able to get out and Go camping and not have to haul a trailer and I have a ground tent and a bunch of stuff but have Even though it’s only a five-foot bed a five-foot bed to throw a bunch of stuff in. Oh, it’s you cargo You can carry plywood if you put the tailgate down. There’s there’s a lot of uses for it. Absolutely Yeah, I know a jail you can do get the job done too, you know, but I just thought The gladiator was a better fit for what I was looking for but


Yeah, very very cool. So the


Who chose the snazzberry? I don’t think he’s snazzberries is available anymore. Who was it? Yeah, who was it that one of the snazzberry was it you your wife or yes, and don’t lie because I’ll know Mostly my wife. There we go But to be honest, there wasn’t a color out at that time that I was like, oh I really want this You know, I’m kind of a guy that I don’t know if it looked good on a gladiator But I like the yellows. I was just gonna say that high velocity yellow is really just man. It’s bright Yeah, I don’t like the high velocity. It reminds me too much of a highlighter, but I like the older Yeah, the older one. Yeah called it and I kind of like the nacho orange, too like that one too But I think when we got it they had the standard colors and then they had snazzberry And I think the tusker Darrow was still out I know it went away and I think it’s back again. Yeah, exactly. But I didn’t want to pink No, the tusker Darrow, I mean, it’s a great color for a Jeep. I just don’t know it’s And I’m not making any judgments here, but I just don’t know that’s a great color for a Jeep That’s driven primarily by a male. I think it’s a great color for all woman and it’s a fantastic color. Absolutely Yeah, I have a saying I like to say jeeps like to be seen so they like bright colors Preferably red because that’s what a color –


and I You know the snazzberry has that pearl coat so it’s kind of shiny I almost wish we had a flat color because I think the flat colors don’t show their scratches and stuffs but Yeah, you know, it’s I like the snazzberry. I wasn’t opposed to it But yeah, I was probably more my wife that was like fell in love with it. Yeah, and I was just yeah


Sure, yeah keep the wife happy. Absolutely I’m sure you were just really happy that she enjoyed the gladiator when you guys were out running around and yeah, absolutely Cuz yeah, she wasn’t a huge fan of some of the obstacles down there I know getting getting tippy and everything but yeah, she’s like like I mean she said it best we get a Jeep and we can have You know family fun we can be out with our friends a lot more and do a lot more community Type things. I mean once we’ve met the Jeep community – it’s you know, oh, it’s amazing Yeah, everybody’s so friendly. I mean Obviously, there’s always gonna be bad apples in any barrel But for the majority of people are just great I mean I’ve noticed that in the the Jeep talk show community that we’ve built really really great individuals So let me ask you this how much weight do you have? Hovering over the the bed And I’m asking that because of the center of gravity and how that may have Affected your ability to go rock crawling. Yeah, so yeah, I definitely feel a difference with the tent on let me tell you But when I’m off-camber with that tent, I don’t like the feeling but I know the tent comes in around 220 the rack is pretty much all almost all steel I think and it’s I Don’t know what the weight is, but I’m guessing 300 maybe a little more than that, right? And then the awnings are you know, the big awning right there on the back. I’m imagining


5060 pounds. I don’t know exactly and then I have a little bathroom annex there on the driver’s side that we Can’t see in this picture and that’s probably only You know, maybe 20 pounds less than that big one because it’s only about half the size So do you do anything? Do you have something maybe in your garage where you can pop that tent off and let it hover above while you’re? Any considering anything about like that for whenever you’re going on these just the wheeling trips or is a wheeling trip an off-road trip as well Yeah, honestly with the wheeling trips, I think it was


EJS the last EJS we actually did take the tent off and just said it at my friend’s house Just left it there


But kind of one of the goals before this accident was I was looking at smaller trailers and to build out Yeah Off-road adventure trailer and put all that stuff there Because as easy as it is to pop out the tent and to close it down and stuff it’s still kind of a pain when you’re like you park it somewhere and Then you know you’re gonna get up in the morning and drive to go wheeling for the day and then come back to do your camp and If you’re camping alone, and it’s not like an established reserved camp spot That my spot might not be there when you get back for the day so I Think having a trailer where I could just park it unhook it and have kind of a base camp sitting there But a nice little or trailer that I could drag to most places off the grid


But I’ve heard pros and cons about that too. Well, I mean is the trailer gonna be there when you get back, too


You know somebody somehow toes it away I think most people don’t have any problems with that and if you go into Moab like Eastern Jeep Safari There’s some places that you can camp that people won’t even be able to find The majority of them so absolutely beautiful place. So let me let me give you a little tip This is a non paid recommendation. I got the moto-built skid system for my gladiator and It’s like 250 pounds or something. So that low that low weight may help you off Counterbalance that that way of and oh and I am just so happy EJS the first year which was 2020


2022 or 2023 is the first time I went to EJS and I scraped I’m on 35 two and a half inch of a parlift and I scraped a lot It was fine, but just that hearing of it. And if you’re not a new vehicle, you don’t know what what’s gonna get hit It has skids on it from the factory, but you know, they’re not major skids It did and it did just fine. But before I went the next year I wanted to get that motor built skid system It’s just absolutely gorgeous smooth covers so much of the underneath Got it on there and then I had that on there for this that for this year’s trip to EJS It is a wonderful skid system. You don’t already have one. Do you you’re nodding your head? Like maybe you’ve been looking at it or you got looking at a competitor our tech. Yeah, our tech’s also nice Yeah, yeah, they’re a local brand. So I’ve been looking at their their skid system But yeah, that’s again something on my wish list thinking about protecting that underneath there For me, I never thought about it as a counterweight But it definitely makes sense to put a little weight underneath there to maybe counterweight that top Well, even even if you take the even if you move everything off to a trailer That lower weight that lower center gravity is this absolutely gonna help you? Yeah So have you been to EJS two years in a row or three years in a row two two years in a row? So 23 and this year 2024 Okay So I must have caught you not this the first year you’re there because I think that’s when I saw you and started following you And I was like, oh cool. Yeah. Yeah saw your red Jeep


Badging and everything I was like, oh I’m gonna follow this guy because I I’ve only been three years now So this last year was my third EJS. So mmm. And as far as wheeling goes You know you live in Utah and I think that they they’ll beat you if you don’t wheel if you live in Utah Have you of the two years with a Jeep have how much wheeling have you done? How many trips have you been on not actually in just in Utah, but total?


so as far as like really wheeling I’ve been to Moab for the three Easter Jeep safaris and Probably three or four times If not more than that just down there with friends We’ve had some really good times in the fall like October and November It’s a little chilly, but it’s empty. It’s like nobody’s there like every trail We have we see like maybe one or two Jeeps or side-by-sides And it’s really nice In the fall and then I’ve been to like the hurricane st. George area to the sand hollow Where I guess trail hero is a big event they have there all the time right then down there Maybe a half a dozen times to Um Took a big overlanding trip actually that first EJS. I think it was a 2028 to Where we went all the way down to Lake Powell we did like a four-day trip I can’t remember everywhere we went but all the way to the lake Powell Camped on all strums point overlooking the dried up lake And then kind of wheeled back all the way until we got to Moab to participate in EJS So that was a great trip that was basically my first big trip Well, let me ask you real quick about you you mentioned something that stuck out in my head You said that you went out there wheeling. You know what it was chilly out and it was it was empty And I think a lot of people don’t do EJS because they think it’s too crowded. Yeah


Well, then this is what I was gonna ask you do you go on the trails was it red the red wheelers The people that put on the event do you do the trail rides with them or do you do your own thing? No, we have the I’ve yet to ride with them on the first year. We went we used the book to basically find out where they weren’t Exactly. I mean, I don’t have anything to compare it to I mean, I’m sure it’s empty when it’s empty But I had no problem with the number of people that were there, but we didn’t go on those those Sanctioned rides or whatever. We went off and did our own thing So yeah, that’s another and I can encourage people to go to eat EJS It’s it’s not as crowded as you may think so your opinion that’s my opinion But I haven’t been there when it’s not crowded is your opinion like you can still go to EJS This this took all the trails where the the sanctioned rides aren’t happening. Yeah, exactly. Exactly That’s what we did the first year and I was like a lot of people I was like I had no interest in going to EJS I’m like, I don’t want to be in a like a Disneyland environment


Jeep traffic right and and every trails just packed and It didn’t interest me at all. But when I got there for the first year, it wasn’t bad I mean, yeah, there’s a lot of jeeps there, but it was not bad at all And like I was stuck in it wasn’t like I was stuck in a traffic jam anywhere No, that’s a lot of area out there I mean one of the big things and I think I knew this but I hadn’t experienced it This isn’t a park. This isn’t an off-road park that you go to There’s hundreds if not thousands of square miles of off-road stuff In or in and around Moab and I had no idea just how large that whole area was So yeah, you could you could go someplace and not not see somebody pretty easily I would think Yeah, and then the last two years we did something a little different. We actually


Found a bunch of vendor runs like one industries was doing a vendor run if you had You know their equipment like customer appreciation stuff, right? So we did some worn runs for this year and last year we did ran with best top the last two years Actually moto built mile star this last year so we we just paid attention to social media and saw those guys say we’re gonna have a run and we signed up and then tag along with vendors and my buddy here he’s a you know, he’s a Don’t know if you want to call him an influencer, but he’s into social media He’s warning lights. He’s the one that took the video and


His vehicle was behind the actual the other two gladiators is his or his But we had a friend another friend of ours actually driving his wife’s gladiator that got us on dash cam but yeah, he loves rubbing shoulders with all the all the vendors and talking I’m not being with the goober smoochers, yeah


Tails and I I meet these guys through him and but yeah, he loves it and yeah And so we’re gonna get to that that incident here in just one second. I know people are going to hurry up. Damn it That’s that’s how we get you. We have to you have to listen You can skip ahead and maybe you’ll catch it. Maybe you’ll miss it. So I would just listen to the whole interview anyway So this is really really cool. You’ve done a lot of wheeling You have gone places and I’m sure you’ve been on the highway many times of the gladiator and and sometimes shit happens It’s something we all have to deal with And I’m glad you mentioned about the multiple Jeeps because you can kind of tell in that video That that I’ve seen and I think you put it up on your Instagram channel as well That there seemed to be several Jeeps in a row and I was guessing at least three like the one with the dash cam yours And there was I saw one in front of you. So you guys are caravaning


through California we found out that it’s through California not not wheel in California and So Well, let’s just get into this. So now you’re cruising along where you were in California about where were you? So it was a San Diego. Yeah, we were in the San Diego area. We thought okay We woke up in the morning thought we’re gonna go down to Mission Beach spend a couple hours there We have some kids with us My my friends that were with us have kids so we thought we’d go to the beach the boardwalk let them play for a little bit and then pack up and head head home and We are doing this trip in increments So our goal was to get to Vegas which was about six hours away and we’re gonna stay at Vegas My friends have relatives there they grew up in Vegas and we were gonna stay at a grandpa’s house, right? But so we played a little bit in the morning just ate lunch Got gas and we’re heading out and probably within five minutes and this is about five o’clock in the afternoon So it’s rush hour traffic probably not the time for us to leave So we’re already getting cut off by some cars and the funny thing is is I was actually the back Jeep Right before this accident and we’re getting cut off and my friend said hey, I’ll slow down You can slide hidden here in the middle. Oh, no It could have been him


You could have been feeling bad for your friend


Is our Jeep was the only Jeep that didn’t have kids in it so Again, probably better. Nobody would have got hurt. I mean, I don’t think they would have got hurt either. They have Jeep actually bigger than mine same 40-inch tires and stuff


But it’s better that the kids weren’t involved. Absolutely. Yes like that. But yeah when he told me to switch it was within Probably less than a minute you hear him screaming. Oh god, I speak face So you did have some sort of warning before it hit was it was there any noise associated with it? I mean, did you hear the sirens or was it just somebody and I’m guessing this is a gmrs radio you guys were using But yeah, I didn’t hear the sirens until it was too late And like when you listen to the video you hear my friend yell probably three or four times But he was yelling before he grabbed the radio, of course I only heard it. I heard high-speed chase high-speed chase as I’m trying to look in my mirror where it was I looked to my passenger side. I already feel the impact And see a car fly No Yeah, I was very hopeful for your Jeep watching the video I figured there would probably be some damage to that tire and maybe some Incidental damage to the axle just because the impact and of course it could have transferred down the driveline But I was hopeful that this would be another one of those Jeep accidents where the Jeep goes. Oh fuck you Just keeps going Yeah, unfortunately what was funny is I got at once we pulled to the right I got out and I walked around the back of the Jeep and I came around and my wife’s door was open too She’d gotten out and I’m looking at the back. I thought it was smashed. I thought I got sure in your hand I’m like, there’s no damage like my body damage. It ripped my two plastic fenders off and there’s some but that’s a good wheeling trip Right there. Yeah, there’s some road rash, which I would have picked up off of some, you know, stiff bushes or something like that Yeah But there was no dense no real deep scratches nothing And then she set her door and that’s when I saw the front fender got removed For somehow it missed our passenger mirror didn’t even touch it. Wow Wasn’t there hold the whole body roll? I mean the whole barrel roll that the thing was doing But yeah, there was unfortunately some mechanical damage damage underneath We haven’t gotten it fully evaluated but from what we’ve checked and what the shop that we’ve had it at recently He doesn’t think the rear axle took any damage He doesn’t think there’s any frame damage But when that Murano came down on my front passenger tire It did bend my front axle and did some damage to the knuckle in there It doesn’t look like it’s here at the ball joint, but the ball joint looks like it may have stretched or bent. So


Yeah, definitely some damage up front so I drove it about two miles to the next exit and called a tow truck Did you feel anything while you were driving it that didn’t feel right? Oh, yeah, you could tell and my wheel was a good 60 degrees off Down the road. Yeah And when I turned sharp at a stop sign, I heard a clunk and I could tell that it just wasn’t right


My big tires and I do have some spacers even with what I have I still rub a little bit when I turn sharp So it rubbed even more like I didn’t even have to turn a fish sharp or I started hearing some rubbing


But yeah all in all like I said when we were on the side of the road, I was just Surprised that I wasn’t completely smashed in the back and I was like, well, I mean your wife who I’m assuming was in the passenger Side front could have been injured from this easily Yeah, and you know from our Instagram post there’s been some comments going back and forth and people complaining that my Tires are too big and stick too far out from the fenders


But I would argue if I had stock tires and I was a stock gladiator I think that that Marano would have hit me bounced into that Civic on the side of me Probably spun it out maybe even spun me out. Right? I think me launching that Marano That’s the best situation. I mean, that’s absolutely the best situation I mean fender fender flares, we don’t select to see our jeeps get damaged But fender flares come on their plastic and it’s just a that’s just an excuse to upgrade


So now you say you pulled over and got out were you at all concerned about the occupants of the Marano I think is what it how it’s pronounced that the vehicle that hit you were you at all concerned about Danger from those people people or people that were in that vehicle. I mean, they’re being chased by the police They could be bad people. It really didn’t dawn on me at the time. I was like busy trying to because I


Didn’t know how much damage I took I didn’t know if I was gonna be able to get off the road Then I got to the right and when I got out, you know, there’s like five cop cars already around them


And what was funny is He actually got out the driver actually got out and ran and jumped the barrier and ran across the other side of the freeway And took off and I didn’t hear I didn’t hear this until later Evidently, there was a dog in there too that followed his owner. I’m assuming it was his owner I jumped out of the car and took off after him too And I heard that he was later found the helicopter spotted him in a field and they went and grabbed him There was a passenger in the morano that did get injured and was taken to the hospital via ambulance Her injuries where I just heard it was a female passenger that that was injured So so as far as you know is two people a man and a woman both adults no children a dog The dog was obviously okay because it fled


So I was like, I don’t care this guy ran what a jerk, you know, yeah, and then I hear there’s a dog I’m like, oh, I know That’s that’s that was going on. Oh, so he’s getting thrown around in the backseat probably and not knowing what’s going on And then his dad or whatever his owner takes off running. He’s like I’m going to wait for me. But yeah So and I don’t know how much how much you’ve heard I would imagine the police aren’t staying in contact with you as far As what’s going on with everything? but I read that they were fleeing because they were being Pulled over the driver in the vehicle or being pulled over because of a bad registration invalid registration Yeah expired tags is what I heard Yeah So did you did you hear you think about why in God’s name anybody would would flee with expired registration? I mean, I don’t know warrant or yeah, don’t know if he had active warrants don’t know if it was a stolen vehicle All as we can get from CHP CHP did the accident report We have to wait 30 days To get the accident report. We were able to get the cover sheet of that But the cover sheet basically has all the victims it has the owner of the Murano listed But he’s from Wisconsin and it doesn’t have who the driver was of the vehicle. So I don’t know what’s going on there Yeah, so there’s been no insurance information Given to you Guessing that he probably doesn’t have it but you who knows you know, maybe he does Um San Diego Police Department were the ones that were actually engaged in this pursuit and they took the criminal Report and I actually called them today to see if I could get the criminal report and was told I’m not able to I’m not Authorized or what the word would be to receive this criminal report because I’m listed as a witness not a victim. Oh


Interesting yeah, yeah, yeah, they’re like, yeah, you’ll have to do the UHP report and I’m like it doesn’t make sense to me because I was There was a crime. It wasn’t just an accident, but I don’t know we’ll see Yeah, there’s there’s there’s I’ll be honest. It’s like after the accident I feel like I had more struggles post accident than the accident, which is pretty sad. Well, it happens really quick So you have to kind of soak it in and then you have the reality of the damage to your vehicle And now you were on your way home. How far away from home were you drive time wise is a couple hours three hours longer? No, no, if we were to drive straight from San Diego all the way home, it would have been probably a 12 plus hour Oh my goodness. So we’re about six hours. I believe


Five hours to Vegas or something like that five or six. That’s right. You did say you were going to Vegas So what what did you do because this is the thing that always concerns me if I’m driving a long ways from home if something breaks Or I’m involved in a high speed to auto chase not the one fleeing but you know being struck like you were Now you have a vehicle you can’t drive and you’re you’re in a place That’s a long ways from home and and beyond just getting on a plane and flying home and getting the house You got a vehicle that you care about So you can’t just I mean you I guess you could this up and leave it but most people aren’t gonna want to do that Tell us how what happened once you you know got pulled over to the side of the road What did you have to do? This is where kind of the frustrating part of the whole ordeal starts is you know, the accident was the accident It was just some jerk running from the cops, right? But ever since then it seems like I had almost premeditated Stuff happening to try to screw me out of my Jeep So it started the accident happened a little after 5 p.m We didn’t get off the road and in contact with insurance until 7 p.m Calling them saying hey, we need a tow truck. We got in this accident Here we’re at this location and their first comment was it’s after hours. We’re gonna have to wait until the morning Um So after basically arguing with them saying look, I don’t live in San Diego. I live 12 hours away in Salt Lake City, Utah. I Can’t just sit here and wait. I’m not gonna get a hotel room and wait in the morning I have two friends that were here and gladiators that were kind of shifting gear around and and bodies around so that my wife and I Can jump into a gladiator impact and get gladiators and make the trip But I’m like I need somebody to come pick up my Jeep. So they finally arranged like okay A tow truck guy driver is gonna come out and we want it to take you We want you him to take your vehicle to a caliber collision down the road The tow truck driver was super fast I’ve never had in my experience of ever getting a tow which that isn’t a whole lot But I’ve never had a driver this fast like within 10 minutes He was calling me asking where I was and he was probably there five minutes after that Problem though is he says that he can’t take it to this caliber because they’re closed and their gates are locked


And I’m like sitting there. Well what you know, yeah, you have to take it You can’t leave it here and he’s like well I know another shop and I can get the keys and get it in the gate. So I’m like in my head I’m like fine. I want you to get it. I want it secured behind a gate But in my thought in my thought process is I’m calling my insurance company first thing in the morning and saying hey Tow truck took it to this location I want I want it taken to caliber because they’re a nationwide company We have them here in Salt Lake. So if they fix it down there I pick it up get to Salt Lake and there’s something still wrong I can take it to caliber and say hey, this doesn’t seem right because they have lifetime guarantee of their work I never heard a caliber. So that’s good that you mentioned that because I was I was wondering what’s this fly-by-not organization But you found that you knew ahead of time. This was a good place. Yeah, do you mind mentioning the insurance company name? It’s farmers insurance and they have not been easy to deal with So I have not had a good time with them So anyways, the tow truck driver did take it to his guy, which was a fly-by-night shop Of course that that was you know, probably not even a real legal shop or license But I called farmers first thing in the morning and said hey He took it here not to caliber because the gates were locked. I want somebody to pick it up So then I had they sent a tow truck to get it I had to call him and say hey, you need to release it. It’s going to caliber It got to caliber and I believe it was The day after that so this would be like July 17th I’m looking at my claim online and caliber had submitted pictures of damage You know They’re starting to do their estimate and taking pictures of the vehicle of the damage that’s done And I see the side of my truck the passenger side of my truck all of a sudden There’s a huge dent in the rear wheel well There’s a huge dent on the seam of one of my rear passenger door. There’s a big dent in that fender


What do you call it the fender where the actual plastic fender mounts to I don’t know I can’t remember I don’t know Bracket or whatever so there’s like three dents there, and there was extra scuffing. I’m like wait a minute Luckily I took pictures vehicle on the side of the road. Oh excellent idea Yeah, and a video of the vehicle on the side of the road And I actually have two real good pictures of it on the tow truck where that damage does not exist So I called farmers and I reported it I said there’s extra damage here that wasn’t from the accident. What are we going to do? I called caliber and I said hey these pictures that you took that damage is not there You know from the accident. He’s like oh, God. Let’s talk to farmers again and see if they want to split this claim because it’s Different damage it occurred somewhere else it occurred And that’s going to be a huge a huge additional cost for all that damage. There’s paint There’s probably door replacement all kinds of crap. Yeah, exactly exactly That fender well replacement the door replacement. Yeah, that’s a lot of extra money and body work to get it whole again


Farmers told me they weren’t going to split the claim That since it’s all got to be paid for anyways are only going to do one claim. I said no that doesn’t sound right and then as this process Progresses they do a market evaluation report which makes sense to me They came back with the estimated value of my vehicle at about forty five thousand dollars They have a damage threshold ratio, which is they’ll only pay seventy five percent of that estimated value in repairs Which comes out to about thirty one thousand?


Caliber finishes their estimate they shoot it back to us, and it’s like twenty three thousand almost twenty four thousand dollars worth of repairs But in my head I’m like hey, we’re under thirty Exactly


We get a text on a Thursday afternoon right before business closes my wife gets the text From a different person from farmers saying your vehicle has been declared a total loss You need to arrange when you can go down there pick up your belongings and sign the vehicle over to farmers to do The final estimate and give you your money And we’re like calling them. What are you talking about there? Nobody’s answer nobody’s answering finally Friday Before end of business we get a return call and we’re like what’s going on and they’re like telling us Oh, well what happens is we get your estimated repair? And then we get a salvage bid and if we add those together and it goes above the the threshold Then we total it out. I’m like well. Where’s this salvage bid come from you know it makes sense to me If I would have met that threshold that you’re gonna do a salvage bid because you want to recoup some money


But until it’s totaled out that salvage bid shouldn’t factor into anything right And after talking to several people at farmers one of them let the cat out of the bag and told me that the salvage bid Was twenty three thousand nine hundred nineteen dollars, so I’m like doing some reverse math, and I’m like telling her I’m like so if my thresholds thirty one and I subtract this twenty four thousand from thirty one You’re only gonna do my math is bad But what seven thousand dollars worth of repairs on this vehicle before he declared a loss there you go. That is ridiculous


So I told him I’m like no. I’m not letting you Total my vehicle out. I don’t agree with you. I’m getting a second opinion. I’m gonna pick up my Jeep this coming weekend


So we and this is at your expense Farmers and farmers that had gave you a solution so all this pick up and then travel And I’m assuming you’re gonna take it back home all this is at your expense, so that’s a 12-hour shipping Yeah, and that’s what I did – we borrowed a friend’s truck a big Ram 2500 borrowed another Friends 24-foot trailer tall – on a Thursday 12 hours pulled into San Diego spent the night in a hotel First thing in the morning we drove over there picked it up tied it down strapped it down and headed home We didn’t get home until Saturday morning at 2 30 in the morning with my Jeep


so I Haven’t touched base with farmers and this was just this last Thursday Friday so over the weekend We just kind of took stock of it one of the other bad things is caliber, which I Felt like was right, you know a good company a reputable I’ve dealt with them before on other and other accident here in Salt Lake and they were really good here in Salt Lake But when I was looking at what they did to my Jeep to do their evaluation they like For some reason they pop my hood ripped the inner liner out and destroyed it pulled off my my Vents off my hood. I’m like, why are you guys doing this? You know took that fender off, which I understood that makes sense Took the door panels and the windows out of my passenger doors took my tent and my rack off Took the plastic piece on top of the bed where my rack sits off I’m just had it completely dismantled took my bump bumper and my rock slide off. They’re gonna charge me Seven hundred dollars for a new rear bumper that wasn’t touched had a dime-sized stuff from me wheeling it We’re gonna charge me $1,100 for a new rock slide stocks rock slide that had some scuffs on it that was done from me wheeling it Right, you know, it’s just all this extra charge And when we called them and said no, we’re picking it up, you know farmers told caliber to put it back together Well, yeah, I’m gonna pick it up My rack sitting on bare metal they didn’t put those plastic pieces on my bumper and my rock slide We’re nowhere to be seen. I’m like, where are these? Oh, they’re in a shop and they’re like in two different locations in the shop have to get those and put them in the back of the bed My doors still didn’t have handles the panels weren’t put back on the windows were still sitting in the back seat And I’m like what this is put back together So so let me ask you if you’ve considered this and I’m not saying this is the case But it almost seems like to me there is a coordinated effort here to a couple of things one Do enough damage to the gladiator where it can be a total of you know It’s it’s gonna be a total and then farmers doesn’t have to pay as much they can sell sell your gladiator and Recoup some costs like maybe it was damaged on the side on purpose


and then and then once it got to Damn I’m pulling for it on the yeah caliber it almost sounds like they were parting it out They were pulling pieces off


Oh, yeah, that’s how I almost felt. Yeah Is gonna be totaled so they start pulling stuff stuff off that they know that they won’t have to be accounted for and they can sell that For just a profit or individuals there. Maybe it’s not even caliber It just could be the the people working there that know what they can get away with on the totals because they figured it was Gonna be total based on their experience. That’s that’s what I was thinking and like when I first saw the pictures of the damage That’s what I was thinking is like this is deliberate Like somebody went down there and hit the side of my truck and tried to make it look like maybe the accident did it I didn’t realize that I have a video, you know – cam footage of the accident But when I actually got down there saw it in person and looked at it and Discussed it with some of my friends. I think it’s really feasible that that tow truck that left with it One of the straps came off and you know how the tow trucks have some pretty beefy steel hooks I think it’s a hook damage that was like bouncing maybe off the pavement flying back up Oh, why like six or seven times and they’re like some little half moon shapes Which would make sense to that hook the metal hook making that type of damage So so regardless nobody reported it but me, you know So it’s kind of hard for me to say well the first tow truck driver did it or it was done at that first place He took it or it was a second tow truck driver that did it, right? Or maybe it was caliber that did it to try to total it out or whatever. Yeah My wife’s conspiracy is that somebody liked the Jeep so much that they tried to total it out so that they could Buy it from salvage and build it up themselves Yeah, well everybody I think everybody wants a Jeep at some point in their life So yeah, if you can get a cheap one, that’s that’s kind of a nice way to go So all this is just has to hurt. I mean, it’s a relatively new Jeep. You probably don’t have a bunch of miles on it and


For them for farmers totaling the Jeep Would you have been anywhere close to being able to buy a replacement or would you have to be out like thousands of dollars? Don’t think I would have the money because I don’t know what the salvage You know how to purchase it from salvage how much it would cost if it costs anywhere near that salvage bid of twenty three thousand I wouldn’t be able to buy it. Oh, I wouldn’t pay twenty three thousand dollars for that Jeep and the in the shade I’ve never been in this situation So I don’t know how it works like what what it would cost for me to buy it from salvage. I I guess From their estimated, you know their valuation report if my valuation truly came back at close to that forty five thousand I still owe thirty nine on it So and I get like six grand, right? Yeah, am I gonna do a six grand that forty five thousand?


Totaling value does that include all the stuff that you added to it does include the tent though I mean they have to cover that as well. Don’t they I would they would have let me go get it and that’s That’s why this trip that I went and got the whole Jeep like I was regretting it on one hand But on the other hand, I was like if I did let them total it out I would have been down there to get my personal belongings which included the tent and the rack and I just actually bought new wheels and those tires In April right before he J.S. You know, so brand new 40s But


Yeah, it’s just a bummer and what’s funny about the buying it back salvage My wife was actually talking to the farmer’s guy and he said oh you can buy it back from salvage and he’s like Oh, no, wait a minute. You owe money. So you’re not allowed to buy it back from salvage and that Triggered me because I was like, what if I have thirty thousand dollars in the bank? What do you mean? I can’t buy it back You know, you know, I just the whole thing just is fishy Um We did attempt to contact a lawyer actually, my wife actually talked to like five different lawyers and They all say the same thing was anybody injured? No Take your case. They don’t see the money there for them. Yes, exactly But I did reach out to the Utah actually California Insurance Department first and the Utah Insurance Department


Because since I’m a Utah resident and my policy was purchased out of Utah I go through Utah Insurance Department and talk to them and they definitely think that there’s something up They’ve got that there’s 100% that there should be two claims at the very worst I would have to pay my deductible twice, but I argue that it was in their possession that other damage. I Shouldn’t pay the deductible but maybe since nobody can like truly Say, oh it was this person or this company that did the damage What’s your insurance, you know since they can’t really pinpoint who did it then it’d be like if a shopping cart hit my Truck in the parking lot or somebody backed into my truck that I didn’t see how to have to file my own claim So the interesting thing is that their security cameras everywhere And it may not even be you may not even have to worry about the security cameras at the the place the fly-by-night place It was taken to you could probably find somebody with with the right security footage It’s a pain in the ass is something you shouldn’t have to do and frankly I don’t know how it works in Utah or in California But in Texas for 90 bucks, you can do a civil lawsuit on somebody and file it yourself It requires a little bit of your time, but it just depends on how motivated motivated you are Yeah, so none of this none of this has it has Moved you away from jeeping or off-roading. You’re gonna continue jeeping and as as of right now We don’t know what’s gonna happen to the gladiator. You’ve got it home. You’re waiting for a second opinion And it’s nice that it’s nice that you’re not being strong-armed by farmers and they said like someone like no We will rescind the offer if you don’t do it our way or anything That still may be coming I’m still waiting for them to say, you know What we’re not doing anything for you and we’re dropping you from a string or from our you know Well, but the insurance was enforced when it happened. They have to do something right? Yeah, so The status of it is now is I do have it home and I’ve determined that I Would the help from my friends and some key other people and going to mechanically fix it myself But I bought the new axles That were unfortunately still Dana 44 is not rekeared But they actually came off of another 2022 Jeep gladiator Rubicon eco diesel so it’s the same housing same everything because the eco diesel has a little thicker of a Axle housing than the regular jail use and stuff. So we got that I have ordered bits and parts I’ve got trust kit from our tech that we’re gonna weld together weld on those axles before we mount some and and beef them up a little bit more a little bit more weight down there like you said, yeah, what the standard gravity down and some other steering components To get it back on the road and then I’m going once I’m driving it I’m gonna take it to another shop here for the body I tried to get a hold of farmers again today But they’ve always been difficult to get on the phone as far as the adjusters go Hey, you don’t to spend money if you don’t answer the phone Exactly. Exactly. So I’m gonna talk to them one more time and say are you guys gonna split this claim? And if they say no, then I’m gonna actually file an official complaint with the Utah insurance department Cuz like I said, I talked to them today and they said that it shouldn’t be done like the way that they’re doing it And suggested that we file an official complaint with them But I thought I’d give farmers one more chance to see what they say


And then


Yeah, I’m not giving it up. Well here in a couple of weeks You can send them the the interview and let them listen to all your complaints Yeah


Honestly, that’s what some of my other friends are like Kind of laughing about and saying that farmers is freaking out because the video went viral like the full-length video that I have on Instagram I think hit five hundred thousand views or something like that Warning lights my friend. They made a shorter version with a viral sound little dink sound and it’s just the actual morano Hit my tire flip a two-second video that thing hit like 17 million views So it went viral and they’re saying that farmers have caught on that It’s on social media and that Motor Trend made an article. Yeah, that’s where I saw online magazine had an article Doing a podcast with you. So I they think that maybe they’re Panicking a little bit that they Shouldn’t have shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing Well, they shouldn’t be business as usual because their social media exists Then that’s why I asked you if you wanted to mention the name of the the insurance company I wanted you to mention it. So you said now you haven’t heard from them as far as you being dropped That’s always a possibility from insurance company. So you may not have an option, but are you planning on? Changing insurance companies after learning this I don’t get me wrong I don’t think any insurance company is perfect But at some point you have to say This this this didn’t work out. Maybe I’ll give somebody else a chance. Yeah, I Absolutely. I’m in the thought process of as soon as this is all settled whether worst case scenario I’m fixing it completely out of pocket on my own or best case scenario They say hey, we’ll pay for everything and we’re not even gonna worry about a total loss threshold. We’re just gonna make you whole That’s all I want. I just want my a G made whole. Yeah, I paid a ton in insurance because I still have my kids on my insurance I’m paying It’s ugly to say but I’m paying over twelve hundred dollars a month in insurance premiums And you’re not gonna fix my car that’s not gonna fly. It’s not gonna fly. So yeah, I’m in Yeah, I’m definitely


Mowling over seriously that once this is over. I will probably have a net new insurance company Well, it’s just my agents are great. My agents have been terrific. Well, this is just policy, you know It’s farmers policy that you’re dealing with. It’s not the individuals. It’s just like the company policy that you’re having to deal with So I’m sure there’s a lot of farmers people out there There’s probably farmers people agents and stuff that that listen to the Jeep talk show and we love you but at some point The the company has to provide the service that they’re being paid for and not some back-ass backwards way of Screwing you over simply because they think you’re gonna go. Okay. Sure. Thank you very much. May I may I have another bowl, sir? So yeah, absolutely. Well so Now you mentioned and actually I mentioned Instagram earlier, you know how the kids love the social media Where can people follow you and find out more about this stuff and don’t forget to mention your friend We follow we follow the your friend weaving. What was it again? I am actually for wheel family fun, right? Instagram and it’s the number four for wheel family fun My other friend that’s more of an influencer than I am he and his wife go by Warning lights warning lights. Yeah, I was thinking we went warning lights. Okay. Yeah warning lights with his Z at the end and then the audio audio performance of high-speed chase that was actually a gentleman named Chuck Congress And he was a rep of milestone Pat ago of milestone Oh really and what was funny is the Baja trip we did was sponsored by milestone And my friend warning lights new Chuck being a rep of milestone and called him and said hey What’s this Baja trip and how is milestone?


Sponsoring it and Chuck says well, I’m not really sure why you know what how we got involved sponsoring it but yes, I’m going because I’m the rep for four milestone and Funny story is is he had some Jeep issues himself and he was scrambling as we were on our way down to you know The trip we were going down south to San Diego area And I asked my friend for morning lights. Hey, have you heard from Chuck? He’s like, no, let me call him And we call him and he’s like, yeah, I’m scrambling my Jeep broke. Can I catch a ride with you guys? And so they did one bet one step over as they gave him


His wife’s Jeep and said you were just gonna leave our gladiator our second gladiator with you You drive it down tomorrow to Vegas will meet up and then do the rest of the trip down to California and Mexico So my friends morning lights that him and his wife both have gladiators They actually lent Chuck Converse the milestone rep their gladiator and we all care band together down there it wasn’t like 100% plan that we are going to be a Three, you know with Chuck got 3g and his family a 3g


Convoy, but yeah, Chuck Converse. He’s a he’s a big-time wheeler down there in Sand Hollow and his wife has Mason Converse media on YouTube So she’s posted some you know, she has her own channel that she posts videos and stuff on to it She has a couple videos


About our Baja trip and then ending with the crash, right? And is Instagram the place that you are you are more than just Instagram? I’m just Instagram and tell the folks tell the folks again where they can what your Instagram name is I’m at for wheel family fun the number four and then wheel family fun Cool now and I wanted this tie that all this up with a good blame It sounds like to me that warning lights is the person that’s responsible for all of this The wreck position all this stuff. So I’m sure he’s a great friend, but you know, you got to take some responsibility, right? And he’s actually the one that had me, you know, talk to me into purchasing a Jeep Was he the one that switched positions with you? See that’s free tires for life right there He told me he did tell me he’s like if that tires damage don’t worry about it will get you hooked up with some new tires Yeah, but luckily it looks like the tires fine took it like a champ and launched that Marano in the air Yeah, oh and when you get your gladiator back going remove that Rubicon off the hood and put on a roll Everybody likes to name their Jeep we’re gonna change it ours to Phoenix, you know rise from the ashes Yeah, I’m having so much trouble and they’re trying to total it out So well you get in trouble the farmers are not farmers might be a good another good one


Don’t do that you’ll get sued


I’m talking about farmers, you know corn and wheat. Yeah, I don’t like them. That’s right Well Chris, thank you so much for being with us and I’m really glad that I was able to find it was actually warning lights that put me on to you because I made a comment on a video or an Instagram that that he put up and I was really happy to see that both you guys were following the Jeep talk show on Instagram and It was just it was just really great. Well, I think we’ve only had one other interview where somebody was a national


Headline thing this is before you were into jeeping. So you may not remember this one, but an XJ driver parked next to a Corvette owner at a restaurant and the Corvette owner was right up the front door and parked sideways and took You know at an angle and took up to two spots and the XJ guy got up on the curb and parked next to him


And pissed the guy off. I mean we’ve seen people like that I mean if you’re parking away in the back with your your beautiful vet, that’s one thing But at the front door hell no screw you that was a national news story and we had that gentleman on it was fun That’s fun talking to him about that That yeah, it’d be funny I don’t know. I just I like to be I like to be nice to people I don’t think I would have been nice to him like who the hell do you think you are that type thing? Is it the conversations that are more fun in person? then over video Chris thank you so much for being with us I would like to love to get you back on to get an update on the story in the future Maybe a few months, but we’ll stay in contact and then get you back on and hopefully Well one of two things. Hopefully you’ll have a good feel-good story could feel good Conclusion to this or I’ll get you to lie that it was a good feel-good I Scenario, I’ll have my Jeep back on the road. It just might be out of my pocket


I have to drive it around a little bit with those dance and stuff It’ll be a story to tell right? Oh very much. Yeah. All right, Chris Thank you very much for being with us today, and we need to get you back really soon. All right. Thanks for having me Hey, thanks again to Chris for sharing his story of a police chase gone wrong I’m very happy that Chris and his wife were uninjured You know, you may have picked up on it by now during the course of this interview But losing my Jeep or any vehicle I’d spent time Modifying is a fear of mine. No matter how good a driver you are. Sometimes you can’t avoid random chance I know we all have but sometimes it will still get you and this is definitely a situation where Chris really didn’t have much Much to do with this since it’s coming up from the rear


You know, I’m sure Chris knew that anything could happen on his trip off-road Although I suspected he felt it was more likely to happen off-road not on the highway We buy insurance because it’s we’re supposed to and it does give us a sense of security The worst case insurance will make us financially whole again, but at least so far this isn’t how it’s working out for Chris You know you I don’t think that you you really contemplate unless you’ve gone through this What happens if? You know a thousand miles away or 700 miles away from home the the vehicle gets hit and through no maintenance fault of mine or The age of the vehicle it just that you can’t drive it any further. What do you do? I mean, these are expenses that you you may not have been planning to have a place to stay Trying to get your vehicle home. I know it’s a risk. We all run whenever we go and do things That’s part of the adventure but to come out of the blue like this and just get slapped with another vehicle That’s running for police. I mean I see two couple of parties here Obviously the the perp that’s fleeing the police and I think the police chasing the perp


Can’t you just get them later? I mean, I like the idea the police stopping people from doing bad things But at what cost I guess is what I’m asking So Chris has taken it upon himself to rebuild his Jeep glad eater, you know It’s that independent spirit that many jeepers have and I’ll say for many of us. It’s why we chose a Jeep in the first place independence To do things that most people find too dangerous to do or even distasteful You know, why would I want to go off-road? Why would I want to climb up for rocks? Why would I want to put myself in danger? Why would I want to take my 50 60 hundred thousand dollar vehicle and potentially scratch it or Rub up against a rock or something You many of us know, you know about the aftermarket and rock sliders and other things you can do which makes all the the whole jeeping Fun going off and doing things learning about how to do this stuff Safely and make it back home in one piece and the Jeep back in one piece So the danger I didn’t see coming on this story was having to deal with the insurance company It’s it just sucks


Our code up next week Brandon. This is a man with a story about his 1946 Willis Willis I wanted to say Willie’s so bad Willis barn find and restoration that Chris and Nikki G Rat recently sat in for a promo at Toledo Jeep fest I if you if you follow the show and especially if you watch this on YouTube you saw this promo beautiful Jeep and It was it was Brandon Brandon’s Jeep that they sat in and we’ll have more pictures for you in in this episode And that’s a wrap for today’s episode of the Jeep talk show I want to give a big thank you to our special guests for joining us today and sharing their knowledge and experience with the Jeep Community remember we have five episodes a week and it’s understandable if you may have missed past episodes You can always find out more about the Jeep episodes you can always find us at your favorite podcast platform or on our website with over 1100 episodes there is plenty of Jeep talk show to entertain you while driving to your destination Working out at the gym mow in the grass Or waiting for the tow truck after you’ve been hit from the behind. I know I was I shouldn’t have gone there Check out our chick-chat episode now under new management and Cowboy and the kilt with Chuck and Greg improve your day by listening to more Jeep talk show I know what do you mean? What do you mean new management? What do you mean? Cowboy in a kill and the kilt Well, that’s that’s why you got to watch and I do say watch go over to YouTube and search for Jeep talk show Then like and subscribe, you know, we love hearing from you reach out to us via email phone social media We use your voicemails on the show


So until next time keep on jeeping and we’ll see you on the trails Hey, remember Fridays are red. Remember everyone the pool I can almost get it out. I’m thinking ahead Fridays are red. Remember everyone deployed I love mentioning our military every Friday, but there are other military members out there that are not deployed We see them work with them our friends with them in our everyday lives Even if you’ve said it to them before thank them for their service Whether they were in a combat zone or working for us in an air-conditioned office all their contributions were important to our security and safety Thank you for your service now in the past or in the future


Broadcasting since 2010 You


You’re my friend you’re my new friend